The saying people will make the same mistake over and over again is so true. In the "Revelation Grand Climax at Hand" the revised one 2006 the WT again makes the same error and attributes the words at Rev 22:12 to Jehovah on pgs 306 and to Jesus on the last page 319. You would think they would have learned their lesson from the 1978 Wt blunder. They almost use the same wording discussing the suddeness of Jesus coming and Jesus encourages his followers of his sudden coming and they list 5 scriptures and say Jesus spoke them and one of the verses is (Rev 22:12). But just a few pages earlier inthe same book they say Jehovah speaks at Rev 22:12-15. Why can't they just get it right. Maybe they should just say Jesus and Jehovah are both the Alpha and Omega but Jehovah gave Jesus his title and is greater then Jesus. At least this way they can have no problem in identifying Jesus with the Alpha and Omega.
The JWs slipped up again with the same Alpha and Omega error from 1978
by booker-t 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
Maybe they should just say Jesus and Jehovah are both the Alpha and Omega but Jehovah gave Jesus his title and is greater then Jesus. At least this way they can have no problem in identifying Jesus with the Alpha and Omega.
That's like saying there are two As and two Zs in the alphabet. Of course, if the GB said there were, most JWs would probably believe it...
That's what happens when you have a circumscribed deity or deities. They just never add up to what you want them to.
In the "Revelation Grand Climax at Hand" the revised one 2006 the WT again makes the same error and attributes the words at Rev 22:12 to Jehovah on pgs 306 and to Jesus on the last page 319.
There is no reference to the 'Alpha and Omega' on page 306. You may mean page 304 or 316, but page 316 fits the context better.
However, there's no 'smoking gun' here, because in paragraph 9, they claim, "After Jehovah, Jesus speaks", offsetting verse 16 onwards from the previous reference to 'the Alpha and Omega'. It's a weak explanation, but it's the one they have.
In the meantime, in which way is Jehovah and Jesus BOTH the "alpha and omega" of their respective position or kind?
Jehovah, of course, is unique.
Jesus is unique because he is the only creation of God that was directly created, thus he is the "ONLY-begotten son" making him unique and thus another "alpha and omega" = the beginning and end of his nature/kind.
Cold Steel
One of the reasons they confuse the two is because Jehovah is the premortal Jesus. That's why their titles are the same. Both are King of Kings, Lord of Lords; both are the beginning and the end. Psalms 96:10 tells us that Jehovah "will judge the peoples with equity," whilst John tells us that the Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment to the Son (John 5:22). The confusion springs from the fact that when man fell, he no longer had the access to the Father, who previously "walked and talked" with Adam and his posterity. Now man needed a mediator, a go-between, and the Father's eldest Son was chosen.
So Elohim chose his eldest Son, Jehovah, and proclaimed him the Savior and Redeemer of the World. Knowing from the beginning that man would fall, he ordained his Son and sent him into the world to be lifted up by the wicked and slain. After the world is glorified and redeemed, at the end of the Millennium, he will present the world back to his Father, perfected.
There is some more info on the Alpha & Omega on this thread.
Cold Steel:
The confusion springs from the fact that when man fell, he no longer had the access to the Father, who previously "walked and talked" with Adam and his posterity.
Actually, the confusion springs from the fact that Revelation is a hodge-podge of imagery from various earlier incongruent myths.
The reference to Alpha and Omega refers to a grand circle. The grand circle in ancient cultures was the circle of the zodiac. Because the seasons and zodiac are a circle and never end, the author is equating God and Astrology. This is of course completely compatible with the rest of the imagery in Rev. The fascination with 7 and 12 are of course more astrology. Lucier which means venus the false Sun ( Venus doesnt shine as brightly as the Sun) shows what the Bible is truely about. its ancient men trying to explain the grand forces of nature with personalities and astrology. Read the bible with some knowledge of astrology and it makes a lot more sense.
Because the seasons and zodiac are a circle and never end, the author is equating God and Astrology.
And this is also another indicator that the concept of an eternal god is made up. The seasons, the universe, etc, will end. Eventually, the sun will run out of material for fission and it will stop burning. Before that, the orbit of Earth will decay and the planet will be engulfed by an expanding sun. Later, the universe may expand to such a point that heat death occurs. It just takes a very long time.
Humans don't last a very long time, so for most practical purposes, it seems as though the seasons go on 'forever' (especially to primitive shepherds), lending to the artificial concept of an 'eternal' god 'controlling' it.