Bible Writers not just ignorant "goat herders"

by applehippie 87 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • steve2
    Those who think the Bible is not true because they don't know the Bible, and those who know the Bible is true, confirmed by archaeological evidence.

    Talk about nailing an argument with ad hominen generalizations. This could have been lifted word-for-word from a Watchtower publication. Division of positions into two " pure" camps, and everything else " mere" detail.

  • Comatose
  • Larsinger58
  • Larsinger58
  • *lost*

    The Chinese were doing a lot of advanced stuff too.

    Incubating eggs. Breeding program's. Fireworks. Fine bone China etc.

    The trouble is westerners have become so snobbish and highminded in their developmental evolution and 'higher intelllect' ,in their lust for wealth and 'finer things' stamping on everyone else to rape and pillage foreign lands and take it off the natives, they in turn have lost their own cultural roots, society was very tribal and community based, not like today.

    Easiest thing of course is to blame God and the Bible, simple, could never be man's fault now could it ?

  • cantleave

    Easiest thing of course is to blame God and the Bible, simple, could never be man's fault now could it ?

    Of course it is man's fault - god is myth

  • *lost*

    cantleave lol true

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    People - humans - have always been highly intelligent and adaptable. That's why we are still here despite our obvious physical weaknesses compared to various other species. However, the specific knowledge needed to live and thrive in different circumstances vary widely. I would be hard pressed to live comfortably in a pre-industrial society, and I suspect a person who lived in Egypt in 500BC would be hard pressed to adapt to modern life without coaching.

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