Hi Suspicious.
Like you, I was a born in. Progressed through the ranks, married in the "faith", had two kids and was raising them as good JWs. Eventually I was appointed as an elder.
My waking up process is documented on this very website, if you're interested.
I wanted to hold on to the idea of a loving, heavenly "Father" god, and wanted to hold onto the Bible as being the way to learn about life, morals, the condition of the dead etc.
After leaving the Watchtower, my wife and I joined a local church and were baptised. We threw ourselves into our new faith.
However, I began to struggle with the notions of an all-powerful god, the accuracy of the Bible and the idea of faith itself, namely faith leads people to claim to KNOW stuff, which is the exact opposite of what faith is supposed to be.
My research eventually led me to being very comfortable to state I DO NOT KNOW whether there's a god or not.
I DO KNOW that the Bible is a collection of books, poems, fables and history collected together in one volume many, many years after it was supposedly written.
I DO KNOW that the Gospels were written decades after Jesus is supposed to have wandered Galilea.
I DO KNOW that there's virtually no evidence outside of the Gospels that Jesus even existed.
I DO KNOW that losing faith is a great thing, not something to be feared (as I once did).
My advice to you is not to pin your future decisions on the Bible being true and reliable or that there is an all-powerful creator god, but to find a path that brings you happiness in life, without having to have all of life's questions figured out (the way religion often promises).
[edited for spelling]