I'm almost speechless... So if this religion is flawed does that mean there really exists no God? What of the teaching of the statue in regards to the world powers that have reigned and I that we are living in the portion of clay mixed with iron? Are all prophecies in the Bible false? How can something I've learned my entire life be refuted so simply?
Hold up a little! It doesn't follow that if this religion is flawed, there must be no God. I know some people jump straight to atheism/agnosticism which by-passes a lot of intermediate steps involving the Bible and its claims and interpretations of it. Others remain theists or deists; still others remain Christians. I don't know whether you're an "all at once" guy or prefer to take things in stages. If the latter, consider first whether or not the WTS's interpretation of Dan. 2 is sound. How do other Christian theologians interpret the Bible's prophecies? After you've sorted out those kinds of questions, you may then want to figure out whether you believe the Bible or reevaluate your ideas about the Bible, Christianity and God. Take your time. There's no rush.