
by Suspicious 122 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Look at the history, changed teachings, and actions of the Watchtower Society. Would a God of the universe really use this group of men in the way things have played out so far in teaching his truth to all mankind? No.....I do not think so.

  • Suspicious

    I'm almost speechless... So if this religion is flawed does that mean there really exists no God? What of the teaching of the statue in regards to the world powers that have reigned and I that we are living in the portion of clay mixed with iron? Are all prophecies in the Bible false? How can something I've learned my entire life be refuted so simply?

  • Oubliette

    Suspicious: How can something I've learned my entire life be refuted so simply?

    I think you just answered your own question!

  • Suspicious

    What also doesn't make sense is no jw listens to everything the gb say. Many watch "violent" movies. Jw claim to be no part of the world but fully support forms of entertainment produced by cold hearted selfish puppets of the Devil?

  • Xanthippe
    What also doesn't make sense is no jw listens to everything the gb say. Many watch "violent" movies. Jw claim to be no part of the world but fully support forms of entertainment produced by cold hearted selfish puppets of the Devil?

    Hi Suspicious. The desire to belong to a group is very strong in human beings. Even if the individuals don't agree with everything the group believes in it's great to be 'where everybody knows your name'. Very hard to leave a group like that.

  • jgnat

    I think the average JW is much more afraid of the judgement and consequences from his local Kingdom Hall than fair judgement from an omnipotent and just God. My JW husband is pretty much himself unless he knows a JW might be watching. So in wacky Witness world, anything goes as long as you don't get caught. You can always use the "flawed human being" excuse anyways.

    How is it possible for any JW to keep up on all the rules, all the time? I used to catch hubby out when he was breaking a rule but I don't any more. Every time I did he got stiffer and more miserable. I like his natural self a lot better.

    I do casually mention how JW's routinely pad their hours, but he doesn't believe me. He considers it a divine commission and can't imagine that anyone would cheat.

  • Roberta804


    I too was a born in and the vast majority of my family are still JWs. Many have confined in me that if they were not so frightened of losing family they would leave in a heartbeat---- cowards I call them. They treat me one way if we are alone, but pretend they do not know me otherwise. It is a game I have had to learn not to play.

    It really sucks when you finally wake up and realize everything, including your closet wardrobe, was all for a printing company marketing scheme. I felt so betrayed and led around by a nose ring. I have been out 25 years plus and I still have a hard time coming to grips that "Jehovah" was nothing more than a Amway cleaning product.

    However, not all is lost my friend. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Light. Try praying to Jesus, Think about who he REALLY is and ask for guidance. He is there, always has been..... waiting for you.

  • Giordano

    There is an old saying ............Silence is God's natural language......everything else is just a bad translation. The history of the JWs demonstrates that they were heavily invested in the teachings of the Adventists. Sorry Suspicious. Best to take it one step at a time.

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    As others have said, you are in for a rough ride. In my opinion one of the worse problems with the WTBTS is the constant repetition that they are God's sole channel of communication. This leads most witnesses to be unable to distinguish between faith in man and faith in God. What happens then is when you find out that the are nothing but a bunch of liars shooting from their hips with change after change in doctrine, you lose your faith in them and in God. If you are interested in keeping your faith in God and just dropping the BORG then I would reccomend listening to a podcast called "Resonable Faith" with William Lane Craig. I would also reccomend Ravi Zaccarius. They are both Christian apologists who try to answer some of the tougher questions relating to belief in God. They are not nessesarily preachers but more apologists.

    If you don't know if you want to believe in God or not I would highly reccomend the podcast called "Unbelievable". Every week they have a Christian and a Athiest discuss various questions. The nice thing about it, is that they do get into the differences but they don't attack each other and do name calling etc. It is nice to hear people with diametrically differing viewpoints have rational discussions.

    Finally like many others I would highly reccomend Crisis of Consceince, in addition I would also reccomend (after Crisis) reading In Search of Christian Freedom.

    Good luck on your journey. It will not be easy. Also when you start learning stuff and you think you want to share with others . . . stop . . . step back and think again. The organization is wrong. There is no question about that. However you may have to decide what is more important to you being right or having friends, a wife, being able to talk with your children etc. I personally did a long long slooooooooww fade and it has worked well for me.


  • gingerbread

    Be patient with yourself. It will take some time to deconstruct your personal beliefs - in order to 'see' them with any honesty. If you wish to remain in "good standing" in your congregation and with your family, keep your research to yourself.

    In addition to the suggested reading already mentioned, as some point read (and watch on youtube) Joseph Campbell...

    "Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in it's own metaphors, interpreting them as facts, then you are in trouble."

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