A warm welcome Suspicious!
You have come to the right place where thinking, reading, questioning and speaking are openly encouraged and facilitated.
The path to a free and open mind is both exhilarating and scary at the same time. I pray for spiritual bravery, power and weapons for you and yours.
My journey has lead me to suggest to persons in your situation: "Don't leave religion (COC) until you have found Jesus (ISOCF)". I believe it is a mistake to dissect the darkness until the lights have been switched on. In other words it is better to fully grasp the core life changing message of ISOCF before getting caught up with all the darkness and negativity that COC gently touches on. You seem to allude to just such an approach.
You will find a great summary of ISOCF if you search for "legalism" in the Watchtower library.
This article clearly points to "legalism" (rule making and rule keeping) as apostasy that leads us away from God and from the opportunity to be lead by Holy Spirit instead of by humans, human groups, and human organisations.
Hidden in plain sight in scripture is a detailed map and medicine known as the "unabridged gospel" or "full Good News".
All Judeo-Christian-Muslim religions truncate this map, and deplete the medicine, so as to defeat it and keep the sheep for themselves (possessiveness).
This map or medicine has around 30 important markers or ingredients. By contrast the Watchtower version has only 1 marker or ingredient: "the future restoration of physical paradise on this earth".
(Why does the "true religion" secretly blind its followers to the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)
(Why do followers of the Watchtower religion call themselves “publishers of the Good News” whilst unfamiliar with the “Good News” according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)
(What was God thinking when he imputed Jesus' holiness to us, as fallen sinners? Does that make us sinner-saints? Are we now also considered the "holy ones" of scripture? Is that why it is called the “Good News” about God’s grace or unmerited favour? Does this make the "ruling religious clergy class" redundant, angry and fearful?)