Oh what a bloody disaster! I've wrecked my arm with my fingernails from the stress, punched a hole in the wall and had an argument with my husband. What a friggin disaster.
My JW best friend is bringing a 'heavy' around to my house to talk some sense into me.
by Julia Orwell 71 Replies latest jw friends
We're here to listen when your ready Julia
JW Heavy..
FrankenDub ..
.............................. ...OUTLAW
Learn these words: Piss off! Use them frequently when talking to JW heavies.
I think you need to calm down and rethink this. Punching a hole in the wall is overkill, isn't it? Meet them at the door and tell them you've had second thoughts, you aren't really ready for this conversation, some other time. Don't let them in the door.
The only power elders have is that in which you give them. Jonas chapter 2 verse 8
Oh Julia, I'm so sorry. Hang in there girl. Thinking of you. Best wishes.
This is a time to pray, girl.
Just treat him as a guest and nothing else. I'm sure you are a fine hostess. Just put your mind there.
Maybe he'll leave a tip!
But just remember, he will leave.
I would politly tell the "Heavy" that your just having doubts. These guys are usually really smooth talkers but you already know ttatt so its too late.
Or you can just tell him to F***Off.
I'm so sorry things didn't go we'll. we're here for you when you're ready. Hugs
Julia Orwell
HUGE rant loading....
The heavy didn't do as much talking as my ultra smooth pioneer-ex catholic JW of 40 years, and the conversation got to the point where we were getting very heated and we both started losing our cool.
I tried reasoning and playing devil's advocate, using analogies and all that but these two guys, one 75 and one probably in his 60s, guys I've known for years, rode over me rough shod. I texted my mum and said call, it's an emergency, and when she called I told her the God Squad were hounding me and she told me to tell them to get out of my house! I said I would but couldn't do it, because of the long running friendship with the pioneer, and I tried so much to divert the conversation to our pets, friends, whatever!
I squeezed my hubby's hand hard under the blanky and whispered like, "I can't handle this..." and told my JW friends I wasn't feeling well, but it was like they didnt' hear me and kept blah blah blah, experience from their witnessing which proves it's the Truth, because some guy they're studying with said that out of all the churches he's been to, JW's explanation of the Kingdom makes the most sense, and then the Flood legends prove the flood, and who else are preaching? Of course I had cogent arguments to counter all these with a bit of reasoning but of course they rode rough shod over me, hardly letting me get a word in edgewise! And my husband sat there like a stunned mullet the whole time.
When I said something unflattering about the GB (and I spoke quite openly in the end because my ire got the better of me and this is my long-time friend with whom I've always been completely honest- yes, I'm gonna get dfd when he rats me out to my cong's elders- he's in another cong but it won't take long) and he got angry and said, "Hold up! You're talking about my brothers here! Look, I want to be your friend, so I don't want to get upset, but please be mindful I love my brothers!"
Ok it's my house and I can say what I want, but in the interests of friendship I apologised for upsetting him and we went on. He cited Revelation 1:10 where it says the vision came to John and put him IN the Lord's day (NWT) and says how ALL the other Bibles have it wrong, saying "the vision came to me ON the Lords day" therefore all the other churches have the understanding of Revelation wrong and I said, "Hang on, in the original greek it does actually say ON the Lord's day, meaning Saturday or Sunday...and my friend argued about it and I said, "I can pull up the interlinear on the computer right now, let's see what it says," but he wouldn't have a bar and kept going on...
The Heavy said although JWs don't have 100% truth they have the closest so that's good for him...I asked how much did they have right, and said it couldn't be 100% now because they're still making changes ie WT July 2013 and then proceeded to talk about the Truth Russell and Rutherford preached and said, "It was being preached as truth, it's not anymore, so at what point will the Truth be complete? And I cited some egs from 1930s and Finished Mystery.
They rebutted: Oh that's old stuff! Why bring it up!?
So here is a double standard: they'll dig up all the dirty laundry of every other Christian group going back hundreds of years and fling it in their faces, but if you do that with JWs, it's "Oh, it's old, no longer relevant..."
So I got to the point where I'd revved up enough to loudly proclaim, "If JW religion is right, your God is gonna kill me at Armageddon, and because of the overlapping generation change, I might live out my life to 83 and die and not get a resurrection, but I don't care! I haven't been to the meeting since I ran bawling out of the memorial, and for that your God will kill me, and so be it!"
And of course, out came the rubbish about "Only Jehovah can judge, he won't kill everyone not JW..." and BANG I cite the heaps of WTs that say you MUST be with the ORG to get saved, then into the whole 8 tiers of men between me and Jehovah as revealed in the April WT chart...Friend says, "I don't see it that way. I have a direct relationship with Jehovah. But I'm sooooooooo grateful to the FDS because without them, I wouldn't know anything about the Bible!
Me: "Your primary school teacher taught you your ABCs but do you still follow her out of gratitude?
Pioneer: Oh I learned to read and write at school, but nothing of any value like I learned from the FDS...
Me: You missed the point of my analogy....
So there was a lot of countering logical flaws which made the conversation escalate, and I said, "LOOK I don't believe JWs have the Truth. I'm not sure anyone does! I don't even know what I believe anymore!"
Heavy: There has to be one organisation...(then he rabbited on about the literature for FREE in 600 languages, etc)
Me: Why does there have to be an organisation? Jesus says I'M the way, truth etc...
Heavy: but someone's got to print the literature! How would people learn the truth without an org?
Me: Um, by reading the Bible?
And around it went about how the JWs are the only ones preaching, and I mentioned the other zillions of churches evangelising through history...OH but they didn't have the TRUTH, they said.
Me: But in the 1930s they didn't have the TRUTH either. Any more than some other churches...
Them: Oh Russell, oh no, he wasn't inspired, just a guy...
So I'm destroying my forearm with the nails of my other hand now from the sheer anxiety and steam building up inside me, gonna explode, really go off, sooooo close to telling them to get out and don't talk to me in my house like this...husband knows, he sees me, he says nothing because I find out after he didn't think it his place to say anything to them because they're my friends not his...
Arm in agony, I'm about to explode, thank goodness my husband had to get ready for work and I had to get some food into him before he left so good excuse to get up and "cook potatoes". I offered the guys tea or coffee when they'd come in an hour and a half earlier, and they'd declined, and so I offered again, but they had to 'get going'.
Then we said pleasant goodbyes and then I tried to run off into the bedroom to cry but my husband held me and I tried to get free and broke into the bedroom, but he held me again and I cried and said, "Why did you let them do that to me!" and it was very tense. I ran into the kitchen and punched the wall in frustration. I've done that a few times in my life over various things - usually when I'm so so pissed off.
Texted mum, mum told dad, dad called me, I spilled to dad, dad furious at friends for turning on me, angry at husband for not sticking up for me, I told him what I'd said and I will get dfd if they talk to my elders, and dad said (never a JW, never in a cult) "You're better off disfellowshipped than trying to be friends with that mob. Look how they've turned on you! Get dfd and get it over with!"
So now because I can't keep my big trap shut my 'friends' will probably rat me to my elders, there were two witnesses to what I said now, and now my dad thinks my husband has no balls for not sticking up for me...
AND HERE'S the corker: My 'friends', I find out, came around because the CO PUT THEM UP TO IT. He visited that cong last week.
Thanks for reading my rant. I'm so glad I have somewhere I can come to let off steam. My husband was also good and found my post-friends-leaving rant very interesting.