My JW best friend is bringing a 'heavy' around to my house to talk some sense into me.

by Julia Orwell 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidqun

    No, all this is never in vain. A year or two from now you will laugh at the absurdity of it all. But for now your example is inspirational, helping those who are lurking. Some have gone through it all, some are busy experiencing it, and some will have to experience something similar in the near future. I keep on marvelling that something as benign as the WT, can turn into such a monster. If you allow them, the hounders will hound you to death.

  • punkofnice
    After 40 years a JW, he's always right. Nothing stumps him, he just talks over the top of you.

    ...and there we have it! Nothing stumps him because he doesn't think about it critically and moreover he doesn't listen!!

    Poor ol' Jules. Now you're totally 'armless

    Take heart. Most of us have been there in some way or another. I was told that I was 'spriitually weak(TM)'........what an insult in WBT$ loaded language terms.

    A friend of mine once said about leaving the JWs (he left): 'Those friends that love you for who you are will stick with you no matter what decision you make in life. Those friends that don't are not worth bothering with in the first place.'

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Amen, Punk.

    I almost had to take my antidepressants today. Did I ever mention that now I've left, I've gone from 40mg a day (2 tablets of this particular SSRI) to 10mg about three times a week? I'm down to about a 6th of what I needed as a functioning JW. Proof's in the pudding.

    I'm probably classified 'spiritually weak' at the moment or those friends wouldn't have bothered trying to 'encourage' me. It peeves me that they came because the CO put them up to it, but had I been branded an apostate they wouldn't have come at all! My friend warned me that once someone turns apostate, they never turn back...good.

  • *lost*

    oh dear Julia, they set you a trap and you walked right in.

    sometimes when your on the edge, it's just better in the long run to 'jump' (or be pushed)

    at least now you can get on with it and move on.


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    A trap? How could my friends do that to me? Don't answer- I know exactly how.

    I'm outed. Watch this space. I will record my JC and transcribe it here.


    I want my Dad.

  • punkofnice
    It peeves me that they came because the CO put them up to it.

    It's call conditional love, babes!

    They don't give a dingoes arse about you until they can stroke their own egos or anal lick the CO.

    I repeat, it's conditional love in other words no love at all.

    In a nutshell it's a bladdy cult! A filthy disgusting cult run by 8 paedophile loving popes called the GB...long may they suffer in extreme pain!

    Sorry, I'm getting angry on your behalf so here's one from my failed misery bag.............

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Get angry all you like. I just wish I could talk to you face to face because I need a friend who understands. I'm not angry now, just hurt.

  • Splash

    Thanks for sharing Julia.

    I don't think there is a 'correct' way of handling these discussions, but the more I read these experiences, the more I feel it should always be reasoning from the WT.

    The WT mags are so full of errors, contradictions and changes that I think I would take one point at a time and raise it. You don't even need to get an answer from them, just move from one to the next to the next, in the end it will be blindingly obvious that placing your trust in the WT is akin to building on sand.

    Then you could drop in something like "where do these untruths come from that we have been teaching",
    or "where in the Bible did the apostles teach wrong things, then change to more wrong things, then back to the original things?",
    or w12 6/15 p.28 "Human advice is constantly revised and updated",
    or w76 5/15 p.298 "What confidence can we put in the sincerity of or judgment of such [vacillating] persons?",
    or Gal 2:18 "If the very things I once threw down I build up again, I demonstrate myself to be a transgressor",
    or what did Jesus mean in Matt 12:37 "by your words you will be declared righteous or will be condemned"?,
    or what constitutes the indecisive man in James 1:7-8 which says they will receive nothing from Jehovah?
    or "how can I trust that what I'm being taught today, is actually 'truth', since I have been taught falshoods all my life?"
    or, of course, Deut 18:20-22.

    For each of these, do not allow yourself to be fobbed off or the topic redirected - keep returning to it, keep asking until they squirm.
    If they dismiss it as being 'old', as in this case, remind them it was from Jehovah's channel - do they believe the FDS are Jehovah's channel? If so why would they dismiss something as old? The Bible is old, do we dismiss that?
    One day in the future, todays teachings will be old. Will they dismiss these the same way as they are dismissing the other 'old' teachings? If so, why not just dismiss them right now?

    There will be the inevitable statements like "even the apostles made mistakes", "the Truth doesn't change, only our understanding of it does", "it's better to make mistakes and stay on the watch, than fall asleep", "we need to follow the lead of the FDS", but knowing these are coming gives you time to prepare for them.

    I think it's all about controlling the meeting - you deciding what topics are raised, dismissing anything else that is spoken about, and keeping to your agenda.

    It sounds like it was very tough Julia - you did what you could in a difficult position - well done.


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Thanks Splash. Great advice and references you have there. I'm not going to get involved anymore though. No more JW 'visits'.

  • punkofnice

    I'd love to talk face to face and share a bevvy some cake and a wall to punch

    We are victims and survivors of this disgusting cult. I was born in..........imagine my pain now knowing I've wasted 50 years on a lie. Imagine how it feels going from the hope of a 'paradise earth(TM)' to then the heaven with god that the churches I am atheist. No hope of anything after this life. It's hell to be honest. I wish I could believe in something again but I can't believe delusion just because I want to.

    Aaaaannnnyyyyywwwwaaaayyyyyyy. Back to your thread Fred!

    Similar to what has been stated before here, I have as my signature on the Yuku forum this: Just remember. Neither The Watchtower(TM) nor the elders(TM) nor anyone in the 'truth'(TM) have any authority over you. Once you accept this you're well on your way to living!

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