I just informed the parents about me and the TTATT... heart wrenching

by sosoconfused 77 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Laika


    Thanks for sharing your experience, I'm going to visit my parents next week (we live in a different country) and intend to tell them my views as like you, I just don't want to be dishonest anymore. I hope I could get a reaction similar to yours, but I am doubting it, I think it may be the last time they ever speak to me... :(

    I hope things work out well for you!

  • earthfire

    I'm so happy and sad for you all at the same itme. Your courage will definitely be an inspiration to others who have the same type of conversation coming up. Lots of love to you.

  • sd-7
    I then said Jesus apostles... not the slave... she pretty much called me an apostate. I said why don't you just read the magazine again. She admitted that it didn't matter what changed because if it came from the slave it is coming from Jehovah. I did the ever so familiar face-palm and just moved on

    This one needs the Jean-Luc Picard Facepalm...


    It's funny because when you actually say what's being expressed in the literature, IN PRINT!!, you're an evil apostate. But when it's studied at the meeting, "How wonderful it is that the light keeps getting brighter!" I guess they just have to make sure they don't agree with you even on stuff that they agree with because it would scare the heck out of them.


  • dissonance_resolved

    Sosoconfused- I think I have the same type of conversation coming up soon with my parents so I appreciate reading your experience. It sounds awful, but also that it ended with some hope, that at least your dad won't shun you. If I have to confront my parents, I don't plan on getting into any back and forth discussion- it's a no win situation. Anyhow, hope you're doing ok- at least it's behind you now.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman


    As far as your mom, just wanting to go out in service all the time, that is her routine. It is a no brainer. The Watch Tower has made her into their slave drone. Not very nice.

    Your dad sounds like a good guy.

    I don't know if you have had a chance yet, but I was thinking, and maybe you were too, that while you two are out fishing, maybe bring up about the pedophiles in the congo , and how does your dad and your mom, stand on that?

    I like what Loz said about getting your mom some flowers and a card and telling her how special she is to you and that you love her unconditionally.

    You are a good guy SoSo. Your parents hopefully in time, will understand what a smart and great son, they have, if they don't know it already.

    Just Lois

  • Quendi

    Congratulations for speaking to your parents. I am glad your father wants to keep your relationship intact. I hope your mother will do so as well. Give her time. Your parents’ reaction was the same as my best friend and his mother when I brought up TTATT with them. That was two years ago and unfortunately we have not spoken to each other since. Nevertheless, I would rather be free than enslaved in this cult and I know you feel the same way.


  • nugget

    There comes a point when you need to take the irrevocable step when lying is more painful than the consequences of truth. Your parents have feared this moment and so have you but now the worst is over. It sounds like your mum is more affected by the revelations but at least she took the time to read what you provided and she can see what motivated you to reach your decision. Whether she will reach the same conclusions you did is difficult to know but certainly she is shocked by what you showed her. Give her some space to let it sink in.

    I wish you well and hope that your relationship with your parents can reach some kind of balance.

  • Honesty

    Lets not let this mess up our relationship...

    You have a lot of courage.

    About 10 years ago when I left the JW's, one of my nonJW friends told me

    he had read that it is nearly impossible for anyone to get out of high control religious groups.

    Hopefully, your dad willl sway your mom and convince her that it would be counterproductive to shun you

    since he most likely won't and she'll look like a villain if she upholds Jerhover's the GB's standards.

  • ABibleStudent

    Congratulations sosoconfused for overcoming your fears and trying to help your parents to critically think for themselves.

    If they bring up the "Where else would we go?" paltitude again, you could either bring up John 6:60-70 and how the WTBTS misquotes scriptures, or tell them they can continue to go to meetings and do field services, but at least do independent research and critically think for themselves.

    I hope that your are able to spend many quiet and happy hours fishing with your father or doing other activities that make you both happy. It sounds like your father needs a break from your mother.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • whathappened

    Your dad sounds cool...your mom is your mom and she will love you even if she does decide she needs to shun you. Hopefully, your dad will talk to her.

    Glad it's all out in the open. Keep us posted...promise?

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