I just informed the parents about me and the TTATT... heart wrenching

by sosoconfused 77 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Wow! So proud of you! You kept your cool and are free! You had your ducks in a row!

    Unbelievable your mother didn't know the WTS view on who mediates who!!! I know there's thousands who still don't, but still UNBELIEVABLE!!

  • wasblind

    ((((((( Sosoconfused )))))))

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Hats off to you, Soso! That took guts, but it's in the open now. I can't imagine your pain, but I'm really glad your dad is on side. It may take some time to sink in for them, but the best 'witness' you can give them is to be happy and healthy.

  • sosoconfused

    mind - she has been baptized 49 years... And had no idea.

    goes to show that things change so much they can't keep up

  • obfuscatetheobvious

    Soso - well done!

  • etna


    Thanks for sharing your experience and I hope you keep us up to date with things. You are brave in spaeking out, I can't speak out to my kids otherwise they won't talk to me. They just know I will never go back and I just ask them questions on things that don't make sense, for instance the "new light on the generation". They get confused explaining it and they have the look of disbelief. I just show them how happy I am not being in this CULT, even though I was born in and was there for 45 years.

    Keep us up to date.


  • Crazyguy

    well it good that your dads ok with what you said and did, i don't think i can go tell my mother 74 anything unless she was shoving her views done my throat, shes just so old let her be, is my thinking. Hope everthing works out.

  • jwfacts
    However there was one point that hit both of them like a ton of bricks, the same point that hurts me. I said, "If the bible says one thing and the society says the complete opposite would you trust the bible or the society. They both said obviously the bible. sooooo I said, The bible says that Jesus is the mediator for all - yet the society says something else. My mother said I was telling a bold -facedlie and if I was going to lie we can't talk. So I told her if I show you this in print what would you do? She responds, "There is no way that my brothers would say such a thing". I showed her - she left the house - never came back in.

    You handled it very well. That is the perfect way to present the question. Don't expect her to change her beliefs. She will likely come to some internal acceptance that the Watchtower justification sort of makes sense. But you have given her solid reason for your decision to leave, and will no longer be on the back foot with them. Hopefully you have provided your mum with enough doubt that she can accept you have good motives, and can keep her bond with you.

    Me and my dad talked for a bit, he was mad but then said, "Lets not let this mess up our relationship..." That was the best thing I could have heard.

    What a relief. You could not expect a better outcome.

  • sarahsmile

    if someone elses daughter/son was called in a JC meeting. and asked,"Do you still think that Jehovah is using this organization as his only people????"

    What do you think would happen? Given your answer?

    How do you think your father would react being an elder in that meeting with someone elses son/daughter. You know,he would disfellowship them.

    Thousands of young adults are treated wrong and shunned used as examples because one simple question. Simple questions like how do you know that 144,000 are just Christin Jehovahs Witnesses. Weekly, they are called into elders meeting not knowing that a simple questioned got them MARKED and later disfellowshipped. Those young adults did not know it would happen to them. They have loving families and wanted to keep in contact with their parents. Yet, due to one question got them called into an elders meeting. Now some of us are grown up and standing up and aginst this horrible organization.

    Recently, an elders adult child speaks apostate, and the elder does not want YOU to tell anyone as long as YOU do not mislead anyone. What about all the innocent children who were not of age sitting in YOUR father elders meetings?

    One person got kicked out of his mothers house and was homeless. No help from those elder or the congregation. I remember he used to call into the AOL exjehovahs Witnesses chat room. He and I used to chat and together we tried to find some solutions for him for the week.

    I still pray for his safety.

    There is a problem with TTATT.

    Thanks for sharing because you just exposed more lies!

    Hope you and your father and mother enjoys your relationship.

    Good job!

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Sosoconfused, that took a lot of courage and I am sure it took a huge weight off of your shoulders. I am happy for you that your Dad didn't shun you. It makes you wonder if deep down he knows it is a pile of crap.

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