Evolution is Crap, there I said it!

by Crazyguy 261 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    If you had anything to say QC it could be interesting discussing evidence with you.

    You seem to prefer acting like a teenager who is only interested in scoring silly points. Telling people who disagree with you that they are somehow behaving like a JW is pathetic.

    If Meyer's book presents any evidence that sheds doubt on the fact of evolution then explain it in your own words, without copy-paste, and lets discuss it.

    Anybody who thinks the Cambrian Explosion is a problem for evolution needs to read something that was written in the past decade. Make an effort to understand what it is you reject and come back with your big boy pants on.

  • jgnat

    Strawman, QC.

  • cofty

    Here is an excellent response to Meyer's new book that QC is so excited about...

    It clears up a lot of the usual misconceptions about the so-called Cambrian Explosion - if something that lasted 30 million years can be called an explosion.

    It uses a lot of long words QC but just shout if you need help.

  • QC

    You're done cofty, gig is up. You opted in on Darwin and lost. ALL those old books you’ve read are obsolete (as of June 2013).

    Panda is apoplectic because they lost.

    Now everyone can read for themselves the other side (correct side) on the origin of life.

    Get up to date so someone can take you seriously.

    Take care.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    There are some interesting customer reviews on the book Darwins Doubt on Amazon.

    I may have to read this book just to see what all the fuss is about...


    After a bit of googling, I notice that there does seem to be an agenda to prove ID with this book. So that does need to be taken into account when reading it.

    Thanks for that link too cofty.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Thanks for posting those links cofty and cantleave. Meyer's book will join the stack of books peddled to make money off fundies.

    " Now everyone can read for themselves the other side (correct side) on the origin of life. "

    Unless there is a chapter explaining exactly how there was some "intelligent designer" that originated from nothing, this book doesn't explain any origin of life.

  • Vienna Angelika
    Vienna Angelika

    In the end, everyone has their own beliefs and all should be treated with respect.

  • Shador
    Unless there is a chapter explaining exactly how there was some "intelligent designer" that originated from nothing, this book doesn't explain any origin of life.

    THIS. A million times this. This is the core problem with the whole creationist worldview.

    everyone has their own beliefs and all should be treated with respect.

    Willful ignorance deserves no respect from anyone. Attempting to have your ignorance taught in school to indoctrinate the next generation into it - deserves annihilation.

  • cofty
    In the end, everyone has their own beliefs and all should be treated with respect. - Vienna Angelika

    No I disagree.

    Everybody is entitled to their own opinion but not to their own facts.

    Evolution by natural selection is a fact. Every living thing on the planet evolved from a common ancestor over millions of years. This isn't a belief or an opinion its just a fact like the fact that the earth is not flat. The only people who disagree are motivated by religious dogma or they just haven't made the effort to understand it.

    Science is hard but in the modern world ignorance is a choice.

    Creationism is a fantasy. ID is creationism dressed up to pretend to be science in order to fool people like QC and Flying High Now who don't understand it.

    It is wrong to treat pseudoscience with respect. Truth matters. Nothing in biology can be understood except in the light of evolution. When superstition motivates people like Meyer to try to undermine the teaching of science to schoolchildren that needs to be exposed and disrespected.

  • rawe

    Hi QC,

    Please forgive me for a lack of insight... but I'm not sure how to take the posts you've made. When you post: " You're done cofty, gig is up. You opted in on Darwin and lost. ALL those old books you’ve read are obsolete (as of June 2013)." it sort of reads like good natured poking at Cofty. Am I right? Or do you really contend that books on the subject of evolution prior to this one of June 2013 have been made obsolete?

    Here is part of one of the first quotes about the book...

    The issue on the table is not now, nor has it ever been, the fact of evolution (change over time); the issue has always been the mechanism of evolution – is it blind and undirected or is it under the control of an intelligence that had a goal in mind? That’s the nub of the question, and in Darwin’s Doubt, Stephen Meyer has masterfully laid out one of the most compelling lines of evidence for the latter.

    This of course gets to the heart of how scientific theories operate. That is, a good theory is able to make correct testable predictions as well as explain things as they are now. So, what then is the predicted outcome of this goal seeking intelligence? Have these goals been tested and shown to be reliable?



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