Evolution is Crap, there I said it!

by Crazyguy 261 Replies latest jw friends

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Here again you demonstrate your lack of understanding. A tiger mating with another cat, etc..... Again that's not how it works! If it were, then of course you silly creationists could be looking for Fronkeys and Crocoducks. Unfortunately that's just not how it works. Why would that have to be a crucial component to evolution?

    Every creature carries DNA. DNA can mutate. If that mutation, however small benefits that creature in its present situation and surroundings, then it's more likely that he will get the opportunity to mate and have offspring. His offspring will be more likely to carry that mutation. Fast forward a few hundred generations. Assuming their situation (ecosystem, food, temperature, etc) hasn't changed, the majority of these creatures are more likely to carry this mutation. Sometimes these mutations and their specific carriers will pass on other traits too. These will be carried along. This is continually happening. You accept this, yes? It's is micro evolution. "Major" evolution as you call it is known as Macro Evolution, or Speciation. Speciation simply occurs when enough of these changes has happened to render the creature to be of another species. It may not even be recognizable. It's gene pool may be too far separated from its ancestors to even successfully mate! As all creatures are evolving together at their own pace, this is even more likely.

    If you were to look at a tiger's history, it would likely share ancestors with many other cats. The cats in between the ancestor and the tiger may look exactly like that ancestor cat, or may look more like a tiger. The end goal was not the tiger, but a cat better suited to its environment. We just happen to call it a tiger, and it happens to live at the same time as we do. It's ancestors may have been called something different if it were to be alive today. Does that make sense?

    Speciation occurs when a species has changed enough from its previous form that it is recognizably different. You cannot.. CANNOT have micro evolution without macro evolution. If you accept one, you have to accept the other. Just because you don't see it in front of your eyes doesn't mean it doesn't happen. You just don't happen to live long enough to see most species change like that. The fossil record documents this well with some species.

    Pall of the points you have brought up have been poor. They are all easily explained. Your ignorance is frustrating, but if you are willing to have an open mind many of us are willing to continue this debate. Go ahead and comb your favourite creationist books (no WT please, they are just stupid) and bring out your best arguments. Many will hurl insults at you because your ignorance is frustrating, but remember we all once believed this crap as good little Dubbies too. Your demeanour could change a bit, too though.

    I hope that answers some of your questions. If not, please draw out what doesn't make sense and we will try to explain better. It would be easier for you to go read a damn book, but that doesn't seem likely.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    A good example of Macro Evolution in your lifetime would be new viruses popping up. No, they're not a sign of the last days, they're a product of evolution. Bacteria have such a short lifespan that their evolution happens very quickly. We make medicines and treatments for these viruses, and they evolve resistance to these viruses. This is quite scary, but a product of evolution.

  • jgnat

    The story of mimi the beetle:


    Phylogeny and genetic sequencing has already adjusted our taxonomy. Birds of Paradise, for instance, are found to be more closely related to jays and blackbirds. Some birds formerly classed as birds of paradise are now classified elsewhere. - Long history of sexual selection

  • Crazyguy

    Your arguments always go back to the same thing 'Time'. Everything can and does happen if you give it enough time but i do not agree. There is no evidence in nature of an animal not knowing how to see and all of a sudden even over thousand years it becomes sighted. No evidence of that kind of intelligence needed to understand something that the creature didn't even know existed. Give it a millions years and it still will not happen, humans have gained knowledge of thing they did not know about over time but in most cases they stumbled across it and we have the biggest brains.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Crazy guy, all you have done on this thread s far is make ridiculous assertions, which we systematically pick apart and destroy. Then you pop up here and there without reading any of the sts and say we still haven't proven you wrong. This is getting old.

    Your understanding of nature is FLAWED. Get through that, or there's no point.

    A creature does not try to create anything at all. It just wants to survive, thrive and make babies that will survive and thrive. That is all.

    A creature's understanding is meaningless. An animal does not understand that it can see. That doesn't stop it from seeing does it? The evolution of the eye is well documented and explained, if you care to look for it.

    Light/darkness has nothing to do with evolution.... You're looking for a study in physics.

    This theory is not falling apart, but your argument against it certainly is. Your point about computer code... While occasionally DNA is likened to a computer because of the information it stores, it still is not one. Computer code has nothing to do with what were talking about.

    If you don't understand the Cambrian explosion, then perhaps you would like to read up on it. I am not knowledgeable enough to help you there. Still, though, that does not make it true.

    Your male/female augment again is easily explained. This is getting frustrating. A book will do a better job of explaining than I can. Flowers that require bees to pollen ate... Evolved that way. They of course didn't always need bees, their relationship with bees is yet more evidence of evolution. They didn't spring up hoping bees were nearby, and bees knew what to do.

    Your point about an animal understanding light and creating eyes being ridiculous is right. That is ridiculous. An animal DOES NOT CREATE ITS EYES! You and I would benefit greatly from another arm and hand. We know that. However try as we might, we won't be able to grow one. As I mentioned above, the evolution of the eye is well documented.

    Somthere you have it. Every point in your silly OP. If this is an issue that you are truly interested in, then I suggest you pick up a book or two. Dawkins' books are well worth a read. Start with The Magic of Reality, then follow it up with The Blind Watchmaker. Regardless of what you think of the man, his eloquent writing style makes it easy to understand even for simple Fundies like yourself.

  • jgnat

    Boy, you are too easy.You are rehashing old arguments without looking too deep.

    Primitive Eye

    Planarian worm


  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    The evolution of the eye began underwater with a light sensitive patch of skin. Something that could easily have come about by mutation. Tha flight sensitive patch of skin would he a HUGE advantage over its competitors and would catch on quickly.

    And don't forget! Just because your understanding of evolution is poor, and our understanding and proof of it will yet grow more, does not mean god did it.

    Your assertion that any of it involves intelligence is yet another flaw.

  • cantleave

    Rather than continuing to make yourself look very stupid do some research.

    Try reading this thread to start with....


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    People who believe in creation are like people who smoke: in this day and age, there's no excuse to do it because science shows it's bad for you!

    Just jokes. I have a heap of questions about evolution and I'll start another thread to seek answers from the forum. I just wanted to lighten things up a bit. Also, I love that diagram of the different types of eyes. I wonder how that first primitive lense came about? I see how the other bits came along before that, but the lense is a completely new structure that seems to be unconnected with the water filled cavity. I wonder which gene went, 'whoo hoo! Time to mutate, baby!' and in response to what environmental condition. It's all very interesting.

    And before anyone here lampoons me as ignorant and lobs insults at me, please consider that I'm not and I do read a lot and try to keep up with the science. I'm just that kid in the classroom who questions everything out of curiosity, even things that may seem obvious to the teacher.

  • John_Mann

    Some people are so stupid they just can't have no idea how stupid they are.

    Evolution is a fact.

    And there's a scientific theory that explain that fact with a high precision degree.

    Same thing to gravity.

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