tec: not everything that man has attributed to God is truly from God... Christ is the Truth of God. The Image of God. The Word of God. Nothing, and no one else. And God does not change. Therefore God has always been as Christ shows Him to be
There's nothing Biblically that supports your view. Conveniently, you just dismiss the Bible as it suits you.
listening to Christ is even the conclusion of the bible. God said, listen to my Son.
You mean, the same Bible you dismiss ? Interesting. This is a circular argument of epic proprtions.
God said," listen to my son"but you don't listen to god! You attribute his words in the Bible to men, and therefore reject it.
So, you believe in Jesus, but the only book that tells you anything about Jesus you rationalize away at every turn.
Tec, I don't think you realize how silly you sound.
I mean, what does it mean to you when it is said that Christ is the Truth? Could you answer that question according to what it means to you?
It's irrelevant what I think. The Bible is the only book on earth that tells you Jesus is the Truth- but you think the Bible is so errant it's not really worth considering!
And, this goes back to an argument made early on in this topic- If you believe the Bible is errant, inaccurate and full of flawed human thinking, or outright fraud, yet the Bible is the only book that tells you anything about Jesus, how do you know your beliefs about Jesus are true? Or, are you calling "feelings" evidence?
You undermine the very foundation of your belief system!