Why does god kill children?

by Comatose 269 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • frankiespeakin

    Guy and gales I think it obiviously plan too see that there is no hope of convincing someone who repeatedly makes up strawman arguements and is in a state of denial to come to the realization that the bible god is just a figment of the human imagination and as such has all the undesirable traits that humans have.

    They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • MrFreeze

    I will say that the WBC is right about one thing... the god they worship (along with billions of other Christians) is not love.

  • tec

    The Bible conflicts itself several times with the "sins of the father" deal. In some scriptures it says to put to death the children... in others it says not to...

    Yes, and there is a way to determine which is truly from God... and which is from men... and that is by looking at Christ and His teachings. Then apply those to what is written elsewhere.

    Tammy - I just don't get why you keep the Bible around as a reference at all.

    I keep the bible 'around' because it does point to Christ, and many people look to the bible to learn about Christ and God, and so need the bible in any discussion. I did also. But at some point... you should leave off searching the scriptures and go TO Christ ("You diligently study the scriptures because you think that by them you have eternal life; yet you refuse to come to ME for life" John 5:39)

    Most people need to SEE something in writing, at least at first, to be able to accept it and start to put their faith in Christ.

    You don't believe it makes sense that a god would order genecide and infanticide but you find it totally believable that god sent himself down to earth so he could sacrifice himself to save us from himself.

    No, I don't. I do not believe God and Christ are the same person. God sent His Son to teach us... and to save us from sin and death. Not save us from God.



  • tec

    is in a state of denial to come to the realization that the bible god is just a figment of the human imagination and as such has all the undesirable traits that humans have. Frankie

    You will not get an argument from me. I don't argue for religion though. Religion is from man, and so the 'god of religion' often reflects man. tec

    I don't believe in 'bible god' or the 'god of religion'... but rather believe in the Father of Christ, who is the true reflection of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.



  • tec

    Perhaps an illustration that everyone should be able to understand will help:

    It is the same as how the wts has created "Jehovah"... and called him God. He is supposed to be God. But they have twisted Him into their own image. Something we can know if we test this 'jehovah' against the Image Christ gave us of His Father.

    That is why we cannot look to men to see God, or constructs of men... because we get a god in the image of those men... when God is only shown in the Image of Christ.



  • AndDontCallMeShirley
    I believe I have said the opposite... that we can know how God sees it, by looking at Christ to see God.


    This argument makes no sense.

    Additionally, there's no indication in the Biblical accounts that the Israelites were doing anything other than what god ordered them to do. They committed these various atrocities under god's direction and they continued to receive his blessing after doing them.

    Now, I know you'll dismiss the above statement with something like, "the parts of the Bible that say god told them to do it are not inspired; the scribes lied; there's supporting details left out; scholars misinterpret it; it's not for us to know; Jesus fixed all that".

    It doesn't matter. Your fantasies and delusions do not change the facts- no matter how badly you wish they did.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley


    I'd like your answer to one question:

    Do you think that people in history like Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot and others were morally wrong in what they did to their fellow humans?

    Yes? or No?

    Please explain your answer briefly, in two or three sentences (this should be no problem).

  • tec

    Do you think that people in history like Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot and others were morally wrong in what they did to their fellow humans?

    I don't know much about the details of Ghengis Khan (other than a movie I recently saw about his younger life)... and I know very little about Pol Pot as well... but I am going to assume similar about them as Hitler... so my answer is Yes.

    They were wrong because there was no love and no mercy shown to their fellow man in what they did. They built their kingdoms on the blood of others, and so their kingdoms are not clean. Hitler certainly did not follow the teachings of Chirst... OR... the commandments.

    (as to the previous post of yours... not everything that man has attributed to God is truly from God... Christ is the Truth of God. The Image of God. The Word of God. Nothing, and no one else.

    And God does not change. Therefore God has always been as Christ shows Him to be.)

    I have just as hard a time understanding how people do not understand that we are to look at Christ, to see God... and nothing and no one else. I have a hard time understanding why people just don't do that. I get that religion and men have spent a couple of thousand years teaching otherwise... but I mean, listening to Christ is even the conclusion of the bible. God said, listen to my Son. Moses said that we would have to listen to the Messiah when He came. The samaritan woman knew that when the Messiah came, he would teach the truth of matters and make things known. And Christ himself said... if you have seen me, you have seen God.

    I mean, what does it mean to you when it is said that Christ is the Truth? Could you answer that question according to what it means to you?



  • Comatose


    I am sure you realize that the reasons why you say those three mentioned in your post were wrong is the same argument I'd make in saying that Moses and the nation of Israel were wrong. The clear contradiction of the OT and Jesus as relayed in the bible is why I now feel that if there is a god, he doesn't have a true religion and doesn't care what you believe as long as you are a good person.

    The problem is that the only book you accept as being a true reference to teach us about god, contains such amazing contradictions on what god is like.

    Of course being able to pick and choose which books and verses you believe certainly helps.

  • tec

    The problem is that the only book you accept as being a true reference to teach us about god, contains such amazing contradictions on what god is like.

    Christ teaches us about God. If we know Christ, then we know God.

    Everything else is a tool to help one learn about God... sure... but an imperfect tool. Once you have that which is the perfect means to know God (the Truth/Christ)... why continue to believe the imperfect over Him?

    I am not sure what else I could possibly say on this matter. Answering some of the questions that I asked, as I have answered all of yours, might help you to understand where I am coming from. But I have no power over that. So I think I will let things stand as they are for now, unless something new comes up.



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