Your views and ideas on forum areas and organization?

by Simon 147 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Simon

    We'll defintely be getting a like button, maybe a dislike button too and also an alert button for topics that violate the community guidelines so things are kept on track.

    I also have a rating system working so adult content will only appear if you chose to see it (either as a one-off or by setting a preference). This could also be tied in to the rating so posts that get a lot of downvotes can be suppressed if you chose.

  • blondie


    Christian-only, all Christian religions and beliefs? (not all the same...believe me I know)

    Would that be like measuring yourself by yourself (though non-Christians would have to be polite)

    2 Corinthinas 10: 12 Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.

  • Apognophos

    I'm not sure I understand your question, blondie. I'm simply in favor of a section of the forum where it's understood that non-believers are not allowed to post mocking comments when a believer wants to discuss their beliefs. I think that if various Christian posters do disagree on some doctrines, they'd still prefer to have a polite debate without being derailed by non-believers, as happens regularly now. That being said, simply increasing the amount of moderation on this site would do wonders.

    But my concern is for exiting or doubting JWs who might be overwhelmed by the posters who insist that they simply give up all theistic beliefs upon entering the forum. They need a safe place to ask questions about teachings and scriptures where the answer won't simply be "There's no God, get over it."

  • Paris


    SIMPLE is more difficult than complicated, your right, simple is best.

    The best sites are brilliantly simple to use. Like Amazon.

    I find the site a bit confusing and often end up places I do not want to be.

    I feel the site is heavily atheist and inhabited by mainly atheists. And I agree; there is an atheist agenda to "convert" or bully any and all believers, by insults, mocking and name calling which is not monitored or controlled at all. The dominence of atheists is a common complaint. Athesist tend to interrogate and demean believers. Atheists need to be recognized with their own heading subject and there needs to be safety and freedom from harrassment and bullying for believers and newbies.

    I go to Active Topics and I suspect most people do simply because you want live bodies, people who are really there and will respond. I do think the presence of atheists should be announced in some heading. Here is my list :


    Atheist Debates and Information

    Christian Debates and Information

    Safe Zone for Believers

    General: Religious and Atheist Topics

    Science and Medicine

    Tracking the Watchtower in the News

    (Scandals and child abuse)

    Watchtower History

    Changes in Watchtower Teachings and Policy

    Beliefs Doctrines and Practices

    Personal Life Growth and Self Improvement

    Humor Jokes and Funny Videos

  • bohm

    Division into christian/atheist debate is imo a bad idea which would promote group think.

  • Paris

    bohn - I understand your concern - But the group think is already ingrained - when atheists call believers names they drive people who came here to discuss religion and the watchtower, right off the site by their hostility. Atheists need some recognition and their own heading, instead of stalking and hunting like a pack of wolves, those people whose religous opinions they hate. Newcomers often find themselves suddenly surrounded by a group telling them the Bible is nonsense, Jesus never existed and there is no God. Is THAT what this site is REALLY about ?

  • bohm

    Paris: somebody called you an idiot not because you believe in god but because you said some nasty things about the people of ukrain. Get over yourself.

  • Simon

    We could divide it into Theists and Thinkers ...

    Seriously, not going to happen - it's all about being civil and having proper discussion and sorry, the closed minded judgemental constant criticism is something that the god squad specialise in. We're not really here to pander to them.

    By 'safe zone' you really me "somewhere we can bleat our endless baselesss claims without anyone challenging them or asking for evidence". Sorry, not going to happen here.

  • Apognophos

    Not sure if you are talking to me, because I am not a theist, but I did use the phrase "safe zone" earlier, by which I meant what I said before:

    But my concern is for exiting or doubting JWs who might be overwhelmed by the posters who insist that they simply give up all theistic beliefs upon entering the forum. They need a safe place to ask questions about teachings and scriptures where the answer won't simply be "There's no God, get over it."

    There's plenty of ways to disprove Witness teachings that don't require discrediting the whole Bible or religion in general, but simply presenting a good counter-argument using the scriptures. If someone shows up trying to gather followers for their new religion then I would say those people can simply be banned, as has been done before.

  • Paris

    We could divide it into Theists and Thinkers ...Simon

    Simon - By this very statement you reveal your bias. Do you think you "pander" to atheists ?

    Since here you have stated that atheists think and all others do not ? Isn't that pandering to one side ? Isn't that predjudice ? Do you think if I said the world is divided between Ukrainians and people "who can think", would I be insulting and biased ? I think many would believe I was insulting the Ukrainians.

    if you think religious people cannot think, then why invite them here at all ? Why is there no mention of athesist discussions? I would think if people were curious, they would look at those arguments and perhaps participate and ask questions even if they did not self identify as athesists.

    Why present the site as a "religious site" when if fact it is biased and truly believes religions are nonsense and no believer has any thinking ability. Why not just come out and say that up front ?

    Not one of the headings even suggest that atheists are in charge here. It would be good to know.

    As far as my comments on the Ukrainian thread, they were in reference to a Ukraine woman landlady, not directed at anyone here. And all I said was "Have you ever met any Ukrainians, the Russians are doing us a favor" I should have not have said it at all of course. It was flippant, in the context of the discussion. Ukraine is a divided nation, with some actually welcoming Russian intervention and there are Hungarians and Bulgarians there as well as Romanians and Carpathian and Russians. However name calling is never appropriate. Refutation can be accomplished without name calling.

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