I am not villagegirl. When I signed up here I had to give my real name and email and wait till they checked me out. I read some of villagegirl's posts before and after they called me that, posts and I did agree with a lot of them. Yeah I admit it. May be we have things in common ? I am sure you all have your "favorites" and social "clubs" or groups you feel more akin to? Many of you seem to hold identical views. So I am allowed to like some people better than others ? I actally knnow some here in the real world.
I am an ex JW therefore excuse me if I do not like Elders for various reasons. I do not think this site should be all one type of person. I went to a "Christian site" and quite frankly it was loony-tunes. DJS all I can say about the call for "empirical data" and "evidence based" is that as I posted on another thread, even science, that is theoretical science is not, "evidence based" Like the Higgs Boson particle theory that was an idea, a Hypothesis a mathematical mechanism, with no proof at all, for 40 years. Science does not start with "proof" it starts with a QUESTION and a question with NO ANSWER. Art starts that way, creative process starts that way. Dance, music. I have no need to "prove" anything to anybody, I am not trying to convert or preach to anybody about anything, but I assume ( unlike the WT ) that women are allowed equal respect to speak and say what they think and believe here ? if I see someting I do not agree with, I say so. Unlike at the KH.