Hi. I'm a lurker, this is my first post. I'm kind of young so I haven't really felt qualified to contribute, but here I go anyway:
After I became disillusioned with my religion, I still 'loved Jehovah'. I loved him deeply and sincerely because in my mind I equated him with the creator, and there's a lot to love about creation.
I don't think so anymore. If there is a being out there responsible for our world, why would he limit himself to a single faith? Diversity is inherent in our biological systems. Wouldn't he reflect the qualities of his own creation? Also, if such a being existed, why would he choose such a hateful group as his single channel on earth, and then punish the rest of us for not joining it?
I read the argument that ancient Israel sucked, but still had divinity, so the JWs can still be a divinely chosen people no matter how crazy the organization itself gets. But isn't that old testament stuff? I thought the whole point of Jesus and the apostles was to free people from oppressive religious systems. Why the hell would God want us to go backwards?
I'm sure a person can find spiritual fulfillment anywhere, even among Jehovah's Witnesses. But don't JWs teach that we share responsibility for whatever crimes the organization we are a part of commits? That's the reason I remember giving for why we didn't get involved in politics and why we told people to leave their faith. 'Get out of her my people' and all that. I, for one, am unwilling to be a party to any more of their criminal activities, even though that choice has subsequently caused me to lose everything.
As for Jehovah, if I were him I'd be embarrassed to have my name associated with this bunch, they've done more damage to it then the rest of 'Satan's' world put together.
Personally, I think Jehovah does exist. I think on some level the things we believe in strongly, can take on a force and life of their own. If anything, he's a petty minor god, given power by collective imagination, and I refuse to let that mythology have power over me any longer.
Ok, I'm stepping off the soap box now.