A minor was killed with no eyewitness and you just cover him up with a sheet like nothing happened?
He WAS taken into custody and then released while further investigation continued. That investigation was then interferred with by the State, the Federal government including Obama (remind yourself it was an election year and votes count - he didn't bother speaking out on the little black girl killed while sitting on the porch - shot dead by a black teen but it was okay to insert himself into what was becoming a race war as Trayvons father). The investigation was comprised when the Mayor and City Manager couldn't be bothered to allow the investigation to continue - and when evidence was taken out of the investigation and used as a tool to create a race case.
A minor was killed. He wasn't a little boy just walking down the street after buying candy. I don't know how you can sit and claim that there was a cover up since the investigation wasn't even completed.
The fact remains no matter how you want to color it - Trayvon Martin assaulted George Zimmerman. He caused bodily injury to another human being. Trayvon Martin did not stop the assault when an eye witness yelled at him to do so. He continued on pummelling his victim without any regard to the fact it might have been a cop yelling at him to stop. In fact, Trayvon Martin didn't stop beating Zimmerman even when he knew people were watching and had yelled at him to stop. In fact, he didn't even bother to turn to look to see just who was yelling at him and so it was obvious he didn't care. He was in beat down mode and not going to stop no matter what.
Had a cop actually been doing the yelling and ordered him sto stop and Martin wasn't - he would have got a taser or a shot to force him to stop. Then what? Blame the cop for taking action? Let Zimmerman die? Trayvon Martin had a choice - he could have actually gone home, he could have called the police, his friend who thought it was nothing more than a fight (Trayvon was a fighter) could have called the police but didn't because it was standard behavior, he could have punched once and run, he could have stopped the fight once someone came outside and was yelling at him to do so. No matter if you try to apply motive to actions prior on either side, the fact remains that Martin was beating Zimmerman and when asked to stop - he chose not to. At that point it wasn't up to Zimmerman because he was not in the position of power - Martin was. Self defense. sw