Even if you are right JB - the extra 8 years is the last 8 when you can't do anything "unchristian" anymore anyway.
So still no answered prayers then.
I have lived 60 years without doing anything unchristian. I don't think I missed anything.
I have watched people take drugs and did not feel i was missing anything. I'm not even
sure if smoking marijuana or taking drugs is unchristian or bad.
I have never had to steal anything, I don't feel I missed anything.
I have never cheated on my wife. No regrets there.
What did I miss?
It's not even my opinion. This is main stream Science which so many people here worship.
Psychology today is pop science, its like being published by the watchtower.
When it makes it to the text books. It is accepted.
Every scientist has to take Pyscholgy 101 and all the books are standardized.
The people who write public school college text books read all the reviews and there
comes a time when they accept or reject the papers as far as I can tell they havent
accepted the papers that you are referencing.
Because I read your papers and mainstream science says it makes a difference.
In Israel they tested religious and non religious communities
and economics had no bearing.
Your telling me about 2 pop pschology articles that you read.
I am giving you a college textbook reference that itself tells you is
based on more than a thousand studies.
I'll go with the college textbooks thousand plus studies,
you can go with your secular version of the Awake magazine.