Another new book: Jehovah's Witnesses - AN EXPOSE, written by a former elder and retired veteran United Airlines pilot

by AndersonsInfo 98 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Oubliette

    Life's too short to read poorly written, self-serving books.

    His six page preview was enough to convince ME to move along. If you wanna' read it, be my guest.

    It's more than a little frustrating that several posters here have NO PROBLEM EXPRESSING THEIR OPINION while dissing that of others.

    I was merely pointing out his bad writing style which is, to my mind, reminiscent of the WTBTS: vague facts, self-agrandizing, etc.

    It was learning critical thinking skills which enabled me to see through the bs of the WT's "theology." Now I am very particular in what I read.

    BTW, the AUTHOR of the book IS the point. Either he is credible and worthy of a consideration or he is not. Length of time in the borg alone is not a qualification to write a book. Neither is "positions held" while in. Speculation, supposition and unfounded assertions are just a waste of time.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Someone needs a Snickers!

  • skeeter1

    i imagine that a captain who was also a JW, gathered alot of attention at the KH. We had a doctor in our Kingdom Hall, and he was an infallible elder. Yeah, I'll read this book.

    I wonder if as a Captain, he ever saw a UFO?


  • Oubliette

    Skeeter: i imagine that a captain who was also a JW, gathered alot of attention at the KH. We had a doctor in our Kingdom Hall, and he was an infallible elder. Yeah, I'll read this book.

    No doubt. Let us know what you think!

  • RubaDub

    His comment about experience is no different from a person who states he was a professor at ABC University for 30 years and has 50 years of teaching experience.

    It could easily be that the other years were working his way up and/or working after retiring.

    I wouldn't read too much into that.

    Rub a Dub

  • skeeter1

    I think it's unusual to have a Captain as a JW. I never knew one. Knew janitors, floor cleaners, and real estate agents. But, not captains.

    I hope all the flack over him being a captain is becuase someone is jealous . . . . No one here ever bashes someone out of jealousy, do they?

    Usually, captains learn to fly in the military. So, that rules out alot of men who would become JWs. Now, I wonder how as a Captain in an airline - that's not a regular job that allows one to be off every two weeknights, every Sunday, and most Saturday mornings for service and meetings. Wonder if the JWs gave him hell about that.

    I'll read it. I am not threatened by a captain. But, if you all can't handle it, then please shut up. Cuz, your attitude stinks of a green eyed monster.

  • slimboyfat

    Jesus is the captain of our salvation.

  • Oubliette

    skeeter1: I hope all the flack over him being a captain is becuase someone is jealous . . . .

    That's just lame. I never met the guy, I'm just responding to his writing. I'm bashing that because it's bad. It's poorly written and is self-serving. Have you read his "six page preview"? Read it then comment.

    The notion that I am or anyone else is "threatened" because this guy is a retired pilot is just ridiculous. You know nothing about me or my experiences, education or credentials.

    PaintedToeNail is the one that knew him personally back in the day .

  • skeeter1

    Sometimes, people may not use the prose you prefer. But, should that discredit their message and become a base for which you use to diss their work all the while elevating yourself to being a literary master?

    There are a few jobs that have titles that follow a person around. Captain, Doctor, Professor . . people on and off the job will refer to these people as "Captain Stewart" "Dr. Schwartz". Their identity becomes entwined with their title. I don't see it unusual for a pilot to call himself Captain alot. Everyone around him does. And, my God, a Captain that is a little into himself! My God! They were not like that on any movie I ever saw! Airplane? Top Gun? Captains got balls, my friend.

    I sat on a plane from the West Coast last month, next to a Captain going to Delta's training center in Atlanta. Very nice man. A little bit arrogant, the type that can sweet talk any chick he wanted. I want him as my captain. Willing to take a chance, guts to face a bad situation, but seemed to know methodology, calculating, and careful. We talked about the Asiana crash, as it just happened. He used good English, but I wouldn't expect him to be a Master at publishing. I don't want some dweeb that can write super well flying my plane through a thunderstorm. Get it?

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    JW gone bad I think he should hold his head in shame. I'm a former pilot too.

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