Another new book: Jehovah's Witnesses - AN EXPOSE, written by a former elder and retired veteran United Airlines pilot

by AndersonsInfo 98 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Farkel

    I've perused the book. That is not exactly nearly enough to offer any reasoned review of it.

    The author seems a bit insecure because he injects his airplane experience into just about every page. Ok. It's wonderful you were a seasoned pilot. I haven't seen (so far) any serious (or new) research, just stuff I already knew, and lots of anecdotes as I glanced through the chapters.

    He (so far) looks like Schnell in style and presentation. However, I will read the book, much as I'm not looking forward to it from what I've seen so far.


  • steve2

    Any view is worth considering I guess. I'd be interested in knowing what the actual turning point for this experienced pilot was; that is, what made him take the step to leave after harboring misgivings for so long. I'm always interested in individual's turning points - especially those who take the additional step of "going public". A seemingly saving grace of the book is he does not plug another religion - I've read a number of well-written and edited "exposes" that are complete turn-offs because the authors have simply swapped zeal for the JWs for another religion. Groan.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    If i want to read a book of an ex J.W, i can read the post history of many posters here. And a good poster make great reading because if they dont have the stuff to back up what they say, they are challenged by other posters.

  • slimboyfat
  • slimboyfat

    I wonder if he discusses the case in his book?

  • Iamallcool
  • chipanddale

    REPLIES - From “Chip”

    1. I noticed a misunderstanding that one blogger, Oubliette, seemed to have. This person assumed that I quit flying when I retired from UAL in 1991; anyone who has read my book is aware of the fact that I continued flying my own planes. My very first (introductory flight) was 11/24/1960 at Cypress Gardens, Florida Airport. I started taking flying lessons on 5/11/1961 in Lake Wales, Florida; my last flight was 7/21/2010, Chicago to Flora, Illinois, when I finally hung up my spurs (49 years and 8 months - nearly 50 years as my book says). The totals for UAL: Over 8,900 hours (4.9 million miles). In small planes: Over 1,815 hours (322,875 miles) all this is shown as logged hours in my “Pilot Master Log.”

    I did hire professionals to edit my book and I am aware of the fact that I am not a professional writer. But I was (and still am) a rated airline captain - for better or worse that title will stay with me until I croak - I earned it!.

    I am sorry for the misunderstanding and seeming inconsistency. I would be happy to hear your comments after you have read my book (should you choose to do so). As Jesus said, (John 18:23), please bear witness against the wrong; (if I spoke wrongly in my exposé - please bear witness against my wrong - that would be difficult for one to do if one did not read my book before commenting).

    Interestingly airline captains in the U.S.A., when I first checked out as one, represented only .006% of the nation’s population (that is only six thousandths of 1 % - I was a professional captain - I am not a professional writer.). Perhaps I should have gotten professional help with my web-site but did not know how it would turn out or if anyone would find it worth looking at. We have had over 18,000 hits on this (amateur) web-site with many thousands of down-loads of “A Brief Glimpse.” Not a perfectly put together website, but unique? I think so.

    I mean no offence by these comments, but as Prov. 18:13 points out, “When anyone is replying to a matter before he hears [it], [or reads it, for that matter] that is foolishness on his part and a humiliation.” Please do not with-hold constructive criticism, but hold it until after you have read my book.

    If you check out the Comments page five, of my web-site you will see some interesting comments by ones who have read it.

    2. Regarding “Painted ToeNail”’s comments about my being, “this odious man 30 years ago” - That is a true statement; I was a harsh disciplinarian of my children especially in their younger years. Most parents who are raising teen-agers (especially true from 30 years ago), were overly cautious in the restrictions that they placed on their daughters (boys don’t get pregnant) I was in that boat. I was overly strict and I have taken responsibility for my wrongs and apologized specifically for my wrongs (Chapter 5 of my book is painfully honest); I have left no skeletons in my closet. My book is all about taking responsibility for one’s actions; I include myself in that matter. Anyone who knew me from 30 years ago will be shocked that I’ve told on myself. I am not proud of my wrong-doing - just honest. I wish, as I am sure many of you do, that the Watchtower/Witness/Hierarchy (W/W/H) would have also been honest and taken responsibility for its manifold wrongs over the past 140+ years - it has never done so and likely never will!

    3. As you will find if you read the page: An Introduction to “Chip and Dale,” I stated that if I have harmed anyone from the past, or hurt their feelings, I will gladly apologize to them personally and specifically - in person if possible - if they disclose to me how to reach them (they don’t have to give their real name). My business email: [email protected] . Please let me hear from you, if you wish. I used my real name in my book as well as on this blog - you all know, by now, that “Chip and Dale” are really “Jim and Dale Staelens.” Being in my 70’s now, I know I don’t have a lot of time left; I prefer to address and apologize for any wrongs, I am guilty of, before it is too late for me to do so - THANKS!


  • slimboyfat

    Well that's an interesting development.

  • chipanddale

    REPLIES - From “Chip”

    1. I noticed a misunderstanding that one blogger, Oubliette, seemed to have. This person assumed that I quit flying when I retired from UAL in 1991; anyone who has read my book is aware of the fact that I continued flying my own planes. My very first (introductory flight) was 11/24/1960 at Cypress Gardens, Florida Airport. I started taking flying lessons on 5/11/1961 in Lake Wales, Florida; my last flight was 7/21/2010, Chicago to Flora, Illinois, when I finally hung up my spurs (49 years and 8 months - nearly 50 years as my book says). The totals for UAL: Over 8,900 hours (4.9 million miles). In small planes: Over 1,815 hours (322,875 miles) all this is shown as logged hours in my “Pilot Master Log.”

    I did hire professionals to edit my book and I am aware of the fact that I am not a professional writer. But I was (and still am) a rated airline captain - for better or worse that title will stay with me until I croak - I earned it!.

    I am sorry for the misunderstanding and seeming inconsistency. I would be happy to hear your comments after you have read my book (should you choose to do so). As Jesus said, (John 18:23), please bear witness against the wrong; (if I spoke wrongly in my exposé - please bear witness against my wrong - that would be difficult for one to do if one did not read my book before commenting).

    Interestingly airline captains in the U.S.A., when I first checked out as one, represented only .006% of the nation’s population (that is only six thousandths of 1 % - I was a professional captain - I am not a professional writer.). Perhaps I should have gotten professional help with my web-site but did not know how it would turn out or if anyone would find it worth looking at. We have had over 18,000 hits on this (amateur) web-site with many thousands of down-loads of “A Brief Glimpse.” Not a perfectly put together website, but unique? I think so.

    I mean no offence by these comments, but as Prov. 18:13 points out, “When anyone is replying to a matter before he hears [it], [or reads it, for that matter] that is foolishness on his part and a humiliation.” Please do not with-hold constructive criticism, but hold it until after you have read my book.

    If you check out the Comments page five, of my web-site you will see some interesting comments by ones who have read it.

    2. Regarding “Painted ToeNail”’s comments about my being, “this odious man 30 years ago” - That is a true statement; I was a harsh disciplinarian of my children especially in their younger years. Most parents who are raising teen-agers (especially true from 30 years ago), were overly cautious in the restrictions that they placed on their daughters (boys don’t get pregnant) I was in that boat. I was overly strict and I have taken responsibility for my wrongs and apologized specifically for my wrongs (Chapter 5 of my book is painfully honest); I have left no skeletons in my closet. My book is all about taking responsibility for one’s actions; I include myself in that matter. Anyone who knew me from 30 years ago will be shocked that I’ve told on myself. I am not proud of my wrong-doing - just honest. I wish, as I am sure many of you do, that the Watchtower/Witness/Hierarchy (W/W/H) would have also been honest and taken responsibility for its manifold wrongs over the past 140+ years - it has never done so and likely never will!

    3. As you will find if you read the page: An Introduction to “Chip and Dale,” I stated that if I have harmed anyone from the past, or hurt their feelings, I will gladly apologize to them personally and specifically - in person if possible - if they disclose to me how to reach them (they don’t have to give their real name). My business email: [email protected] . Please let me hear from you, if you wish. I used my real name in my book as well as on this blog - you all know, by now, that “Chip and Dale” are really “Jim and Dale Staelens.” Being in my 70’s now, I know I don’t have a lot of time left; I prefer to address and apologize for any wrongs, I am guilty of, before it is too late for me to do so - THANKS!


  • Vanderhoven7

    I'm still waiting for the book to arrive.

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