Another new book: Jehovah's Witnesses - AN EXPOSE, written by a former elder and retired veteran United Airlines pilot

by AndersonsInfo 98 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Oubliette

    skeeter1 : Sometimes, people may not use the prose you prefer.

    Sure. And I'm okay with that. But there's a profound difference between style and content. There is also such a thing as having a professional level of writing.

    skeeter1 : But, should that discredit their message and become a base for which you use to diss their work

    Absolutely. If and when someone publishes something then they are open to public reaction.

    skeeter1 : all the while elevating yourself to being a literary master?

    What are you talking about? I have never done any such thing.

    What specific qualifications does a person need to recognize bad writing?

  • Oubliette

    What's with you guys? This is NOT about the guy being a pilot. It's about him being a bad writer. Get the clue!

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    You are right pilots are very susectable to mind control. Its true!

  • skeeter1

    You are coming across as if you are above his writing style. I just hate the way people like you get on here to bash others who put forth effort to write something that others might find worthwhile. He put his neck out, so you're just going to try to chop it off today.

    There are two ways to pull yourself up, and one way is to push others down. That's how I read your post today.

  • Oubliette

    skeeter1: That's how I read your post today.

    Fine. You've made your point.

    It's very telling that I comment on the authors WRITING and you make personal comments about ME and my motives, things which you can't possibly know anything about.

  • skeeter1

    Pilots under mind control . . . ..

  • Oubliette

    T ruth seeker 674: You are right pilots are very susectable to mind control. Its true!

    Good point! In fact, as Steven Hassan has pointed out many times: Anyone and everyone that is unfamiliar with the techniques of manipulation and mind-control is susceptible to it.

    Intelligence is no protection. Only knowledge is.

  • skeeter1

    I know nothing about you, other than you bash this dude's writing, dissed his content. Your comments read of a nasty tone. They were not polite or courteous.

  • Oubliette

    Skeeter: I know nothing about you, other than you bash this dude's writing, dissed his content. Your comments read of a nasty tone. They were not polite or courteous.

    And yours were?

    I'm beginning to think YOU are Jim Staelens.

    But if you're not then I suggest you read the book. If it's great, then let us know as I suggest several posts ago.

    But even if it isn't--because we've had this argument--you'll convince yourself it's great just to prove me wrong and yourself right. So either way you win.

    You can thank me later.

    Again, it's very telling that my comments are about the author's WRITING and you keep attacking ME personally.

    BTW, you're pic above of the flight attendant as a sex object is very sexist and offensive. That'd be thinking with the wrong head.

  • slimboyfat

    The title looks pretty garish, presentation poor.

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