Upcoming KM!! Why we are not False Prophets!

by DATA-DOG 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Wow, Apocalypse! Be careful. I would love to know what they say. I spoke to an Elder about the latest nu-light. I was very candid about my feelings. He was worried that I had doubts. I said, " Doubts?!?! Of course I have doubts! Everything that we have been told was "truth" for 100+ years has been changed!" Then somehow the conversation went to the Elders and how everything that happens in their meetings is directed by Holy Spirit. I said, " So when you make a mistake in your meetings that affects someone's life, who is responsible? Was it Holy Spirit?" He had to admit that things did not always work out. We haven't really talked for a couple of months. Oh well...

    Another link: http://carm.org/jehovahs-witnesses-and-their-many-false-prophecies

  • wasblind

    Here's a Doozey as to why the Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe they will be destroyed like Hananiah the false Prophet

    On page 134 in the Reasoning book the WTS use Nathan the prophet as an example of how Jehovah didn't

    destroy him for bein' wrong. Because like Jehovah witnesses today Nathan Humbly corrected his mistake

    LOL, I wouldn't advise any Jehovah's Witness to breath a sigh of relief jus' yet

    Unlike the WTS. The propeht Nathan never told King David what he advised was from God

    And that very same night. An Angel was sent to correct Nathan

    Unlike Hananiah and the WTS, Who are bonifide and specialize in False Prophecies

    The bible does not show where Nathan taught people to believe in a falsehood in the name of God

    And that's why Nathan was not destroyed

    Like the WTS and all who follow will be


    Read for yourselves in 1 Chronicles 17



    Nathan wasn't living at Beth-sarim either, or DF'ing all who disagreed with his ideas. He had an idea, one of his own as you brought out. There is nothing wrong with that. When he was corrected he accepted it. He never prophesied falsely. There is nothing that the WTBTS leaders will not do to justify their course. Their hubris knows no limits. Pride before a crash...

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply


  • wasblind

    I get a kick outta the chapter on False Prophets In the reasoning book

    Here's more proof that even the Boys in Brooklyn admit what they are

    I'm gonna use the NWT along wit the Reasoning Book

    On page 133 the WTS claim they meet all the qualfications of a " True " prophet

    " If any individual claim to represent God but decline to use god's personal name, and make it a practice to express thier own opinions on matters, are they measuring up to this important qualification of a true prophet?___Reasoning Book page 133

    Duet 18:22

    " When the prophet speaks in the name of jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word Jehovah did not speak"____NWT

    Have not Jehovah's witnesses made errors in thier teachings ?

    " It is true that the witnesses have made mistakes in thier understanding of what would occur at the end of certain time periods"___Reasoning book page 136

    The word Occur is a killer ain't it

  • mouthy


  • wasblind


    (3) ' Am I right that you believe that Jesus ( or Moses ) was a prophet from God ?.....Was he a true prophet ?....... Then what he said was from God and if other teachings do not agree with it, they must be from another source, is that not so ?_______Reasoning book page 24

    On page 133 the WTS claim that Jehovah's witnesses measure up to

    the important qualifications of a true prophet. And yet all through out the Reasonin book

    on pages 97 , 200, 234 and 239 the WTS repeat the same lie about the generation that was alive in 1914

    Seems to me what the WTS taught the sheep don't agree wit the things taught in the Bible

    So it clearly comes from another source

  • Emery

    I wonder how they are going to explain away this damning topic.

  • wasblind

    I'll tell you how, They'll make new stuff up then use the same ol' tactics

    #32 Express With Conviction

    They will speak in a manner that shows they are fully convinced of the lies they spead to the sheep____Page 194 Theocratic Ministry School book

    "Regarding the fulfillment of his word, Jehovah at times inspired his prophets to make emphatic statements such as, " it will without fail come true." When you refer to these prophecies you might use similar language"______Theocratic Ministry School book page 195

    Example : " The present wicked system of things, which extends worldwide, entered its last days in 1914, and some of the generation alive then will also be on hand to witness its complete end in the great tribulation"____Reasoning book page 234

    #35 Repetition for Emphasis

    Tell these lies more than once that you especially want your audience to remember____Theocratic Ministry School book page 206

    " Before the last members of the generation that was alive in 1914 will have passed off the scene, all the things foretold will occur including the great tribulation"___Reasoning book page 97

    Duet 18 : 22 states, " when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak."___NWT

  • wasblind

    The generation that WILL NOT pass away . Where are they Now

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