Another story... possibly final story

by confusedandalone 134 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bella15

    OMG .... UNBELIEVABLE ... but yes ... KILL THIS WITH KINDNESS ... I am not being sarcastic, but you can share the following with them ...(I use this scripture a lot to remind my elderly patients that God will never leave them nor forsake them - of course they are all millionaires because they DID trust God and started saving for retirement long ago ... they are in ther 80s, 90s, and they still tithe, contribute to charities, etc).

    "I have created you and cared

    for you since you were born.

    I will be your God through

    all your lifetime,

    Yes, even when your hair

    is white with age.

    I made you and

    I will care for you."

    - Isaiah 46:3-4

  • Splash

    Do they own their own house? If so they can turn it over to you in return for you clearing the debts.


  • Bella15

    LOL ... OMG ... double take ...

    Your brother: This isn't a game. Jehovah is allowing his kindness to be shown to you for a little longer.

    SAY WHAT??????

    OMG ... this is UNBELIEVABLE ... what a manipulator he is ...

    I understand your heart gets weak when you think of your dad, I have the same problem with my parents, they only call me for money - them and my JW brother, which called me yesterday and I haven't call him back yet because I know he wants to borrow money ... (I make them suffer a little first - he he he .. me bad) ...

    If you decide to help your dad ... ask your brother to meet you halfway and both come up with 50/50 of the money your dad needs ...

  • mamochan13

    confused - reading this made me very angry. What a horrible, unloving attitude! That they are willing to use you for money and put this convoluted, twisted guilt trip on you is unconscionable.

    You have no obligation towards them under the circumstances. You are a kind, good, moral person, which they clearly recognize since they are playing on that so they can use you. Just because you share genetic blood does not mean they are your family. I agree with Clarity and the others. Let your father and brother accept their own responsibility. Tell your father that declaring bankruptcy IS accepting responsibility and "letting your yes mean yes". It doesn't completely absolve you of debt, so he still has to pay his bills. Or even better, the bankruptcy trustees can help him negotiate a creditor repayment agreement which will allow him to pay something each month towards the bills. That way he's accepting full responsibility without involving you. He can pay the "wordly" lenders $100 a month without having his conscience bothered by taking your tainted money.

    Just a final thought - make sure you are taking care of yourself through all this. Your situation is incredibly difficult and can wear you down quickly. Be good to yourself and focus on the future, and the complete freedom that awaits you.

  • confusedandalone

    Thanks guys for all the kind words. Very appreciative here.

    I have to say though that I have kind of begun to just look at them with pity. They are trapped - yet they feel I am the one backed up in a corner.

    They are the only ones with things to lose. I plan on leaving to go to my wifes cousins home for a birthday party. I plan to drink and have a good time. Eat some birfday cake and then who knows what else. The freedom of not being trapped by archaic rules is truly liberating.

    This particular incident which is just growing by the day has become something of a comedy to me... all I see are people who are no longer in full control of their minds - they recognize it to, but they like it. So how can I feel sorry for them?

  • confusedandalone

    " Do they own their own house? If so they can turn it over to you in return for you clearing the debts.


    They literally own nothing except a truckload of old publications going back to the 50's and some avon products

  • Splash

    (2Co 12:14) 14 Look! This is the third time I am ready to come to YOU, and yet I will not become a burden. For I am seeking, not YOUR possessions, but YOU; for the children ought not to lay up for [their] parents, but the parents for [their] children. . .


  • Watkins

    Turn a scripture on him - and it's so fitting, not taken out of context - it was writtien for your brother, whose name must be "Corban"!

    Mark 7: 6 And He said to them, “Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written:

    ‘ (H) This people honors Me with their lips ,
    But their heart is far away from Me .
    7 ‘ (I) But in vain do they worship Me ,
    Teaching as doctrines the precepts of men .’

    8 Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men.”

    9 He was also saying to them, “You are experts at setting aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition. 10 For Moses said, ‘ Honor your father and your mother ’; and, ‘ He who speaks evil of father or mother, is to be put to death ’; 11 but you say, ‘If a man says to his father or his mother, whatever I have that would help you is Corban (that is to say, given to God),’ 12 you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or his mother; 13 thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down; and you do many things such as that.”

    If that doesn't hit the nail in the middle of bro's forehead I don't know what will!

    Yes, your brother's attitude is so hypocritical...small wonder, eh, it's what the wt teaches - take, take, take, even from "evil apostates". But, by Jehovah, you'd better not buy anything from a garage sale or sign-up at the Y or give to charity. HYPOCRITES!

    I'm sorry you're being put through this - it's unfair. But you're showing a better way of handling it. Kudos to you~


  • adamah

    Just remember: if they DID own a home, they'd only end up leaving it to the Borg or your brother: just sick how they're willing to use the Almighty $ as a weapon, and then use making it out like YOU are doing Jehovah a favor by giving them $. Just goes to show how a fool and his $ are soon parted under many different conditions.

    I said file for bankruptcy... his response is, "I have to let my yes mean yes... i made the bills so I have to pay for them". There is always some Watchtower rule to keep you in a state of want / need and that your only hope for joy is to wait for the New System when all this oppression is gone. Freaking pathetic.

    Yup, the Bible is a smorgasborg of rationalizations, where there's an aphorism for every need (whether it actually fits or not is the fly in the ointment, since men are forced to use their OWN morality to decide which of God's "perfect" laws applies.


  • tiki

    confusedandalone - your responses are neither confused nor are you alone! you were so spot on with your bro - and just so realistic. i found it comical to read that someone would have such warped thinking! they really seriously honestly believe that the almighty of the universe is worried about someone d-fed giving them money so they have to bilk it out of them while they are in "good standing"????? that is totally ridiculous, ludicrous and crazy. money is money is money. it's not like it would be coming from laundered drug money! do what you have to do......what you feel is right and what you are comfortable with.....but in no way are you responsible to bail anyone out of a fiscal mess they put themselves in by making bad decisions.

    i'd love to hear judge judy on this if you loaned the $$ to them and they never paid and you got on tv with the case.........what a riot! but only us mentally diseased ones would get it...................

    stick to your guns, man!

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