Another story... possibly final story

by confusedandalone 134 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Incognito
  • Oubliette

    confusedandalone: I plan on making this visit as uncomfortable as possible.

    Here's my suggestion when the elders come:

    I don't know why you're here and I don't really care. I don't owe you an explanation for anything, but I will tell you this: my parents are in a personal bind, the details of which are quite frankly none-of-your-business. That being said, my brother--that has obviously been gossiping about me--either can't or won't help them out of it. Nevertheless, even though he won't help them, he somehow expects me to do it while at the same time calling you elders to stir up trouble for me.

    If you elders make a judicial matter out of my brother running his mouth off then my parents will not be able to accept my help. Are you really sure you want to pursue this? If you do, are YOU personally going to take responsibility for my parents? Either way, I suggest you just move along and leave it alone.

  • gbrn

    Are you sure that you want to meet with these 2 brothers? You don't owe them an explanation or a minute of your time.

  • Incognito

    In addition to Oubliette's suggestion, I would also remind them that any action against you or your wife, places your JW employees incuding Sister Ex-Bethelite in a difficult situation. They wouldn't wish to do that now would they?

  • Watkins

    You don't need luck! There's no way they can make a scriptural case out of this against you - all the 'evidence' is really on your side. Clearly, your brother - I'll call him 'Bro. Corban' - is the Pharisee Jesus spoke to there in Mark 7 - he said evil, slander and lies came out of their hearts - and this is what's being done TO you. You've been doing your duty, even more than your fair share, all along in helping your parents, and your "conshints"(lol) should feel fine. Your brother has the same obligation, but he has "other obligations"???! HE'S the one "making the words of God invalid"!

    I don't know how they could possibly turn this around on you, but of course they'll try and think they're right... so sorry you're going through it... it's so wrong!


  • sir82

    "Clearly my brother was hallucinating when the thought he heard me make those disparaging remarks. That's why the Biblical rule about 2 witnesses is so important, amiright, brothers?

    "Oh those text messages he showed you? Well, it seems we just have a weird sense of humor. I pretend to go all apostate, and he plays along. What, he now says he thinks I was serious? That jerk, I'm going to {chuckle} kill him!

    "Now, explain to me again why you're here?"

  • RayPublisher

    @CAA - You do not need to meet with them they have no power over you.

    However, it sounds like you want to have a confrontation with them (which I totaly understand) so I strongly suggest you set your cell phone to airplane mode and then record it all- this will protect you and also highlight yet another of the crazy gestapo techniques these JW Elders go to.

    Good luck bro!! You are gonna be brilliant.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I only read page 1, will look at the rest later. I would stand by my last comment. Your dad is definitely going to shun you should you be DF'ed. Its a bad idea anyway to pay his credit debt. His "yes" can mean "yes." Let him send $100 a month to credit. I know it won't even cover fees that accrue but he cannot expect you to pay it. Tell him "Good luck." Keep in touch. Tell him you can help him now and again with other problems (even money ones) if he keeps contact.

  • haboob48

    Maybe if the wts would quit guilting older ones to give($$$) so much maybe your parents wouldnt be in this mess! I hope all works out fine for you and I will be watching for your post later!


  • PaintedToeNail

    confused-why don't you just wait until a disfellowshipping happens then offer them the money contingent upon your parents having dinner and conversation with you once a week for the next 10 years and consider that repayment. See if they accept these terms...

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