I'm new here...

by Demokan 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Demokan

    Seriously though- I need to help my sister get out before she gets baptized which she is planning to in like a few months. I must stop her!! How do I approach her in a way that she will listen.. ._.

  • Butterflyleia85

    I'm a mom and I to agree with wasblind. Your parents are just trying to do whats right and protect you (it's our job ha joking a bet, even though sometimes we want to be the cool and easy going we feel it will set up are kiddos for a good future). If you are not ready to get baptised then DONT GET BAPTISED that is a personal decision, your parents should respect you on that one!

    Point out if you want me to respect you and obey your rules please respect my personal relationship with God.

    And to you, personally, I think your awesome to keep your discovery open and learning, understand, what is the right thing to do in life... because of that you can BE and DO great things!

    You will not get disfellowshiped because you are not baptised but you can be silently marked (I don't think they use this term anymore) in the hall. You only get into trouble... if you make trouble though.... they will talk to your parents and guilt them into disaplining you.

    And ONE HUGH SUGGESTION!!! DONT TRY TO GET YOUR FAMILY OUT OF THE CULT... lay low and hold tight... you know the truth you need a plan and in the future when you don't have quesions yourself THEN ONLY THEN you can use your plan of action.

  • Comatose

    Ask her questions. Try to get her talking about HER opinion and not just repeating what she is supposed to say. Maybe you can get her to jwfacts.com?

  • franticfran

    Hi Demokan,nice to hear a young person with an enquiring mind,its always good to ask questions but even better to ask those questions of your Mum and Dad before you ask people who you dont realy know. They do love you and care about you,so might be an idea to find a quiet time to have a talk with them first eh? You have all the time in the world,so dont rush sweetheart.

  • tenyearsafter


    TTATT=The truth about the Truth.

    A good resource for TTATT is www.jwfacts.com There are many sources as well, but this is a good start.

    It sounds like you are already well on the road to understandng that. As pointed out above, being 15 and a minor under your parent's roof, you have certain obligations to them. I wouldn't necessarily be too vocal about your doubts...gentle as it goes. The key thing is, do not get baptized if you have even an iota of doubt!! You can still be shunned by individuals as a bad associate as an unbaptized publisher, but it usually won't be at the same level as if you were baptized and then DA'ed or were DF'ed. If you care about maintaining contact with your family and friends, take a very low profile approach. When you are in a position to be on your own, then you can fade and no one should be the wiser. Again, DO NOT get baptized...everything else can be dealt with.

    Good luck in your search...

  • Giordano

    Also I've already told my mom that I don't believe in the governing body and she is making me do EVEN more!

    As long as your a minor you will need to respect your parents. But you shouldn't be forced to be a hypocrite like going out in FS and telling people things you don't believe in or have concerns about in my opinion. But you can fake all of it if you have to.

    Many non JW's insist that their children attend their church as well. Feeling like it's the best way to live a clean Christian life style.

    Your not going to pull your parents out of the JW's until they either see TTATT or they are stumbled in some manner.

    Along with this site there's http://freeminds2.org/

    www.jwfacts.com is excellant:

    I think there's a bit of a younger crowd on: http://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/

    Be carefull with leaving these sites on your favorites list or viewing history.

    Do good in school, stay away from booze and drugs and sex and plan on more education after HS.

  • Demokan

    Thanks for all your help guys. I will definitely take a read on jw facts. I wouldn't be labeled as bad association probably because I always go beyond and about when it concerns my reputation with the other kids, and the adults in my congregation.. Honestly that's the truth- it actually takes a great toll on me emotionally though. I recently had to be escorted by the police to the hospital because I attempted to overdose on Tylenol pm's. I am also having lots of issues with finding my identity. But seriously though thanks everyone, You guys are really kind.

  • Watchtower-Free

    A warm welcome to you

    Read the book " Crisis of Conscience" by JW Governing body member Ray Franz

    If your library does not have it they can order from another library .

    Or heres a link to the PDF online version http://khazarzar.skeptik.net/books/franz01.pdf

    This website is from Barbara Anderson she was at Bethel for many yrs and was on the Watchtower writing Dept .


    Also Google "Jehovah's Witnesses child sex abuse " for some startling info .This alone can serve as proof

    Gods not guiding this bunch at all .

    Take things slow . Especially don't shoot your mouth off people will even shun you for being publically critical

    of the JW org .

  • Giordano

    I forgot to add this........... if you don't want to get baptized don't. Jesus was 30 years old when he was baptized.

    Also your brain keeps growing until your 25 or so. The society is like the military they want them in as young as possible because they can be molded.

    In the military that's why they call it the infrantry!

  • LisaRose

    Trust your instincts, you are not crazy for not believing. On the other hand you are still a minor, you will have to bide your time until you are an adult. Be extra careful not to get involved in anything that will aggravate your parents, or get you in front of a committee. It's horrible, but that's the way it is, you do not want to do anything to draw attention to yourself or make them doubt you. You are an undercover agent for now. Plan to go to college if it is at all possible. Don't get baptized. Don't make a big deal about it, but don't give into the pressure. Say you aren't ready, you take it seriously, so you do not want to rush it.

    Don't try to get your family out, it will only backfire. Later, when you are older, you may be able to work on that. Generally, people have to work this out for them selves, when they are ready, you can help them along. Right now they are too indoctrinated, the moment you say you have been on the internet researching, they will put up their defences. Read Combatting Mind Control, by Steve Hassan. If you can't get that, go to howcultswork.com to know how the Watchtower or any other cult works. You may be able to ask questions here and there to get them thinking, but be very, very carefull.

    BTW, Welcome to the board

    Lisa Rose

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