I'm new here...

by Demokan 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oubliette


    In addition to the other suggestions you've gotten, I'd add:

    • Read Steven Hassan's book: Releasing the Bonds - this will help you understand yourself and your family. Don't make waves until you have had some time to digest this information.
    • Learn some Critical Thinking skills. They will prove invaluable.

    Keep asking questions here. This community is a valuable resource for those waking up to TTATT.

  • jam

    Demokan: something to do to pass the time at meetings.

    Take notes. Lets say they mention overlapping generation or

    144000, do your research here. I guarantee you will be knowledgeable

    then most Elders within a year. You are a very bright 15 year old.

  • TotallyADD

    Welcome Demokan to the site. Listen to all who have given you advice and take with you what will work. I hope you can stop your sister from making a big mistake. The price is to high. Good luck in all you do. Totally ADD

  • Ding


    It's hard to know what to advise regarding your sister.

    Does she believe it all or does she have serious doubts?

    Depending on how close you are to her, you might consider asking her to help you clear up doubts or concerns you have about the religion, things that are holding you back from being baptized. If she agrees, you can show her things you are finding out (like contradictory statements, false prophecies, etc. in the publications). Instead of telling her your conclusions, you might ask her what she thinks, if she understands why this troubles you, gives you pause, etc. If she tells you to ask the elders, you might tell her that you prefer to talk it over with her.

  • mindnumbed

    Hi Demokan. Welcome.

    I have a daughter that is a year older than you. For the past couple years I have been trying to help her transition out of the Organizational upbringing that I forced upon her. As her father, I thought I was doing the right thing raising her as a Witness, which no doubt your parents feel they are doing for you too.

    It is a difficult road for you to be sure, but remember that in your parents mind, the JW is the only acceptable way and they don't want to lose you to the world. It would be best to be respectful of your parents, try not to be to allarming to them with what you say about the religion because they will no doubt try that much harder to bring you into line with the Organization. DO NOT GET BAPTIZED! You have your whole life ahead of you and with your eyes open now, your opportunities have increased immensely.

    Best wishes.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Welcome DEMOKAN!

    At 15, you've got a great headstart on life. Research all you can on the religion you were raised to know as the "truth".

    You seem to have a good head on your shoulders; you'll figure it out.


  • Demokan

    So I just got back from the meeting, it was soooooooo~ boring. I just zoned out and daydreamed the whole time. Gosh you mums and dads out there are so smart, My mom has been in the "truth" for over 50 years and she still hasn't woken up. >.< same thing with my aunt. @ding I will definitely do that. Again thank you all! I got most of the information I need so all I gotta say is "bump" and I can close the thread right? Thanks for the warm welcome guys I will definitely stick around an post some stories - (I'm scared to be found out!) but I'll still post some like.. IDK later, but seriously I have so many though-. LOL.

  • Django_Unchained

    good for you!

    as was mentioned, start planning NOW for your life once you turn 18.

    save/start looking toward university and what you'd like to study.

    build up a network of friends outside the jws. you're gonna need some.

    here's a site i like for learning about the nuttiness of the jws:


  • Hortensia


    you tried to overdose on Tylenol PM? That's alarming. I think you need someone on your side, you're surrounded by people who don't think the way you do, and who have power over you. Start looking around for a trustworthy non-JW adult you can talk with. For me, when I was in high school, it was the librarian. We didn't talk JW stuff, but she gave me a lot of books to read. She was pretty smart, books about language and how it can be used to manipulate, about the brain and how it works, about the modern world, political issues, history. Lots of stuff to make me think.

    For instance, she had me read Language in Thought and Action, by S. I. Hayakawa. It has been around a long time, but the info is still very interesting and useful. I'm sure there are more modern books on the same subject. You might also want to read another golden oldie, Games People Play. You'll recognize a lot of those games at the KH. I also think everyone needs to read The Gift of Fear. It's rather scary, but it lists ten behaviors that tell you someone is untrustworthy. It's worth learning to recognize those ten behaviors. You'll see them everywhere, and you'll start to discern who is trustworthy and who isn't.

    The library might not work for you, but if you'll keep looking you'll find some adult who can relate to you and be on your side.

    Also, have a plan. You're stuck at home and going to the KH for now. What things can you do in the next three years that will make your future life better? The boring one is to get good grades at school, yet it is really important. Also, can you get a part-time job and start saving money? Can you learn job skills - maybe learn a skill that you can use to earn money while you go to college?

    That's my two-cents-worth.

  • WishingLiz

    Welcome Demokan. Peace. Be kind to yourself.

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