Effect of family life (me, wife and young boy) if I am df / da and wife zealous jw

by Daniel1555 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • His Excellency
  • JWdaughter

    Take all the good advice, decide how you will proceed and do your dangest to make sure your son/children are not assimilated. I came from a divided family (dad was never in and only studied briefly before 1975 and recognized it for the BS it was). I wish my dad would have put his foot down about our involvement and insisted that my mom kept it to a minimum, let us be normal in school and with holidays or family events. My mom allowed us sports and I was a girl scout, but the disapproval from others in the hall was palpable. DO NOT LET YOUR SON GET THOSE MESSAGES. Don't let his heart be touched by any of the WT insanity. Please. I wish I had been spared. I know my dad did not allow it so as to harm us, but it did.

    Basically-take the advice and BE STRATEGIC. Dont be blindsided because you just do things haphazardly. That is how you keep your son close and hopefully, your family intact.

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