Recent Global Cooling Controversy

by metatron 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    besty: I wonder if thin people sitting behind a radio in the countryside will suffer from climate change...hmmmm...

    The people near Sahara who are always nagging about how how climate change affect rain patterns and cause starvation just need to realize they are too damn fat.

  • besty

    either that or demand the government quit assing about and ship them a goddam Plasma 42 already...seeing as their government is doing zip about climate change anyways,,,

  • besty

    wheres that BurnTheShips guy - I miss him.

  • mP


    You need to go back to school and learn to read. You quote me and then you reply with absurdities.

  • mP


    Oh genius mP, what will you propose they rather use instead? using measurement stations on land and in the sea far removed from heat-emitting structures? using sattelites to observe infrared emission?


    Did i say anything remotely like that ?

    I just stated an obvious fact that our lives and environment in our homes and on the street are heat sinks, thats all. Not once did i state this causes climate change.

    Did i ever state this was affecting measurement made by scientists ?

    All i said in repsonse to Brinjen was she is feeling hotter only because her home is hotter due to tvs and more concerete thats all.

    Go hang your head in shame for adding words to my sentence which are not there.

  • bohm

    besty: I think the article lay it out fairly well. What i have observed at least 3 times is this:

    • Nature and or Science bring an article which point out an aspect of global warming.
    • If no part of the article can in any way be used to "debunk" global warming, it is just ignored.
    • If any fraction of the article can be used to drum up controversy, an article on a *similar type of topic* is made in the tabloids, however the original piece is not mentioned.
    • In the later case, it usually make it to jwn weeks later.

    In this case, the nature piece was published in nature on august 28, the mail/whatever picked it up in the first week of september.

  • mP


    So why havent governments done anything major to combat this menace ?

    Please dont tell me about the revolution of changing light bulbs.

  • bohm

    mP: oh wait a second, so your comment on fat people was just irrelevant to the topic at hand?

  • bohm

    mP: "So why havent governments done anything major to combat this menace ?"

    Geh i dunno. Perhaps because the voters are for some part dumbasses who does not understand the issue very well, you know, the kind of types who think dumb things like: "fat people feel more heat" pass as an intelligent observation, or does not have the mental stamina to read the first line of an article they quote before blurbing out a question which was answered in that very first line?

    Or perhaps because its a very hard issue to do anything about internationally when an agreementt have to be struck between parties like china, usa, eu, russia and all they agree about is the other parties should do more than themselves?

    What really boggles my mind is how, at the same time, the "politicians" can all do nothing and be involved in some evil conspiratorial cap-and-trade scheme

  • besty


    Also standing in front of a hot tv adds more temp to your room than the 1 degree of temp increase for the past 100ish years

    Apologies If I am misinterpreting what you said - above - but there seems to be a clear conecction <in your mind> between standing in front a TV and 100 years of climate change.

    Anyways - nothing to see here - move along.

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