TEC, your lack of knowledge of the OT is astounding, eg when you were asked this:
And your lack of knowledge of God... well, is not astounding at all, since you do not look to His Image, Word, Truth... to know Him.
NO ONE knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal.
If you know ME, you know my Father as well.
Because you do not know ME, you do not know my Father.
If murder was clearly a sin, why did god have to put it in the Ten Commandments?
You responded:
Because their hearts were too hard to HEAR or for the law to be written upon them. They had shown this, and so they needed something to SEE. Something specific to obey, because they didn't come by it naturally. (speaking in general here)
Once again, you're dragging a concept (the whole "law written on the hearts of the people" Jewish Messianic prophecy from the Book of Jeremiah, where he was speaking of a FUTURE TIME EVEN AFTER the messiah had established his Kingdom) that developed over 1,000 yrs AFTER Moses led the Chosen People out of Egypt into the Sinai wilderness, but applying it to Moses!
And once again... and this is BEFORE the Kingdom is established... the GENTILES, who do not have the law show that they have it on their hearts, because they do by nature the things required BY the law.
So there are those who DO have the law upon their hearts. Israel is not one of those people, because unfortunately, their hearts were too hard.
How many times have they been described as being hard-hearted; hard-headed? In the OT and in the NT?
But the time is coming when their hearts will be softened, those who enter into the NEW covenant with Christ (which covenant occurs BEFORE the Kingdom is establish, so that those who are in that covenant (contract), know that they have a place IN that Kingdom).
Then you say crap like this:
God did not permit eye for eye (as Christ also teaches; go figure)... and Lamech seems to have taken that for granted and used it to his own ends. Though it was Lamech who announced that... and not God.
"God did not permit eye for an eye"?
Um, yeah. Its pretty simple. He did not permit eye for eye... in the case of Cain... or he would not have put a mark on Cain warning people that they could not take his life.
It's like you truly don't understand that Genesis' Cain and Lamech lived BEFORE the Flood, and God's display of lenient punishment of Cain was done to demonstrate his mercy.
I believe... and perhaps you simply are not paying attention... that I said God DID show mercy to Cain, but that did not mean that Cain did not sin after having been warned about it.
Besides all this, how you are connecting your thoughts here makes no sense. In the beginning, God did not permit eye for eye... just as Christ came and set the record straight of what was ALWAYS true. Mercy over judgment. Mercy over the 'written' law. Mercy and love.
Lamech didn't know ANYTHING about the LATER solution which God handed down to Noah AFTER the Flood where God prohibited bloodshed for ALL of mankind (the Chosen People being the descendents of Abraham were still MANY centuries in the future), and DEMANDED a life for a life!
What does what you are saying here have to do with God not permitting eye for eye with Cain, and showing mercy instead?
If that's not enough for you, then God reinterated the point AGAIN in the Law of Moses which ALSO contained a life for a life with the later adoption of the more-expanded prohibition on bloodshed found in Levitical law (which applied to Jews), which was even FURTHER in the future AND ALSO DEMANDED "eye for an eye".
So you God doesn't allow it claim is UTTER BS.
Did you even read about the allowances made for people who could not do better?
Besides all of that:
Do not repay harm for harm is ALSO in the 'rulebook'. In fact, LOVE states this, all on its own.
This was at least 1,000 years BEFORE Jesus' said the principle of lex talionis was not such a good idea, although he ALSO said that he "didn't come to change a single letter of the Law of Moses", so Jesus was flip-flopping on the issue, as well.
He didn't actually say that, though did he?
He said 'the law'... but he did not add the law of moses.
Regardless, He DID correct points in the law... AND... so that eye for eye no longer was the law, but turn the other cheek WAS. And many other such things.
Mercy OVER judgment.
It's like you don't even understand that time transpires forward in a linear fashion (and never in reverse), and there's time transpiring between the accounts appearing in the Book of Genesis, Exodus and Jeremiah? The events in Genesis came even BEFORE those found in Exodus?
No... you don't understand what happened between the beginning... and Christ.
If they had the truth, Adamah, what NEED for the truth to come? If they knew God, Adamah, by the scriptures or law or men... then why did Christ say, NO ONE knows the Father except the Son, and those the Son chooses to reveal Him? Or... IF you know me, THEN you know my Father also.
Do YOU understand the significance of Moses and Elijah standing with Christ... and of the three, God says... "This is my Son, whom I love. LISTEN TO HIM."
No... you do not. You have shown that you do not understand that, because you do not DO that.
Your mind seems to function as a blender of Bible "stuff", with all sorts of ideas that aren't arranged in ANY semblance of chronological order, since your answers comprise elements which are derived over THOUSANDS of years in the alleged history of the Torah.
Again, there's little point in engaging with you when you don't even seem to understand what you're missing: for starters, you REALLY need to get a book on Bible chronology to at least properly understand the rudiments of what you claim to believe.
I understand bible chronology. Do you understand that sometimes people will fall away from the truth they knew at first... and then choose live another way and perhaps allowances in the law are made because they can't do any better... until once again that truth that was known at first is taught to them again?
God didn't change. Man did.
Christ came and taught the truth that is from the beginning.
And laws WERE added, not because that was the way or the truth... but because their hearts were too hard to live the truth. (mercy, love, forgivness) As Christ said:
"Moses gave you this law because your hearts were hard. But it was not that way from the beginning."
You do not see these things, Adamah, because you do not see Christ. Not even what He is written to have taught - by word and deed. Or you could understand the truths that He taught. Since PER THE BIBLE (and God, and Moses, and Elijah - law and prophets) we are to listen to CHRIST.
With all of your 'studies' and 'scholars', etc... how have you missed that?