These cases tear me apart. This boy is 17. Someone once posted a link to a court case where a local judge allowed a fourteen year old boy to die. Every year when you are young makes a huge difference. This may not go well. Emancipated minors are allowed to make decisions. He might convince a judge, including myself if I were one, that he is so close to adulthood that his wishes should be honored. I hope he is a young 17 with a long history of goofy life decisions. This is one of the problems with the Witnesses. We tend to be too obedient compared to other people our age. A lot may depend upon the personal interactions with the judge. I would not want to be a family court judge.
Does anyone here any insight on what age to draw the line? Government cannot make value judgments for people. If this boy is a typical born-in, he has never experience life at all. He should be forced to have a broader background before throwing away his life.