But you are fine with the same boy choosing to refuse blood a few weeks later when he turns eighteen? Some psychiatric patients may be unable to express a coherent wish, in which case something must be done. That's not the case with this boy, the state simply disagreed with his view.
Oh, I can assure you that these patients violently and loudly express their treatment rejections! They are not drooling idiots. Additionally, the treatment to which I am referring includes four-point restraints on hospital gurneys and electro-shock therapy.
And now I'm a little confused. You have repeatedly said that age (arbitrary lines in the sand) is not your issue, but the power of the state. But now you raise his close proximity to eighteen as an issue.
Nevertheless, I don't care how close he is to eighteen. As my oncologist friend posted, this particular cancer is highly treatable. Likely, the forced blood transfusions he has already had while the appeal is pending (and until his upcoming eighteenth birthday) were (will be) enough to allow him to have the more aggressive cancer treatments. If so, then they have already saved his life.
However, if he had a disease that had little chance of survival (unlike here), and that would require numerous blood transfusions well past his birthday (unlike here), then I would be less likely to agree with a court order.
Why should the state have such power to decide whose views in respect of their own body are valid or not.
Here, age makes a dramatic difference. If the person is a minor, the state, under doctrine of parens patriae, is required to step in. If a minor's parents are making bad decisions for them, whether that be too agressive discipline, leaving them home unattended to too young of an age, or making life-threatening medical decisions, the state is required to step into the shoes of the parents, and to make those decisions.
As I wrote earlier, I do not agree that adult JWs are coerced in the necessary extent to overide their treatment objections, and the state should not step in.
Of course. Why should the state have the power to decide whether we live or die?
There are easily hundreds, if not thousands, of people around the world, saved from suicide but now living productive lives, who are happy your view is the extreme outlier in the world.