snare&racket I agree with you to a degree. I think the nearest analogues to good and bad in the physical world of biology, evolution and so on could be called harm and benefit. What is harm and benefit? Another word would be chaos and order. Earthquakes are fundamentally part of the process that makes life possible on earth and an example of chaos creating order. If a human and of course an animal is in the path of that earthquake they suffer and die which is chaos or disorder. So good and bad could be said to be the same thing from different points of view. Wouldn’t that mean they cancel each other out as concepts if their only foundation is based on what material processes do? The moral side of it comes in with humans, and perhaps as you allude to apes, dolphins and elephants. Even for animals that do not have any higher understanding, suffering is still a reality but evolution would not work without it. Does that mean evolution is bad? Some would say so if bad is defined by suffering, and good the lack thereof!
If though you are right and good and bad are real and exist, they exist relative to the individuals inner world of the subjective and the ability to share those inner values and world with others who also have that inner subjective world. That world then is the basis for good and bad being real because chaos and order, destruction and creation have meaning to them which they don’t without the subjective world. The problem for a materialist viewpoint, of which some but not all atheists have, is that there is no empirical way to prove the realness of the inner subjective world. Science is limited to empirical methodology of physicality and forces, and thus it can only point to correlates of brain function and its effects on conscious experience, not the reality of conscious experience itself. So if science is pushed into an ideology that says science is the only truth and science only deals with physical entities and forces, it becomes the arm of materialism that cannot show the reality of the subjective and thus good and bad.