You claim the dead can be raised by the power of your thoughts. Go and do it tomorrow and do it in public. Put up or shut up.
My claim is that the human mind is capable of such feats. I aspire to my fullest potential, which should be limitless. I will admit that my faith is not strong enough, because of fear, but it's a work in process. Which is why I gave myself the several year timeframe. Sorry to disappoint. Do you know what it would feel like to raise someone from the dead? The Pharisees would be SO ON YOUR ASS. ;)
Do you think the world is ready for such a reality? Because a part of me thinks that most people on this planet are content with mediocrity and harsh realities. They have existed in a state of hopelessness for so long that it's possible that that hopelessness has become comforting. What happens when shit stops happening? Would it be boring? Stories HAVE to have some sort of antagonist or else books would never sell.