Musings about different types of atheist!

by Seraphim23 304 Replies latest jw friends

  • latinthunder
    Read a lengthy post about relativism or stick pins in my eyes? hmmm tough choice.


  • Berengaria

    Oh good grief!!! The guy that regained his faith because of a good run of poker! LOL

  • snare&racket

    I have never read so much bullshit and irrational thought.... My favourite &'worst is "sometimes the unobservable is observed" by latin... or sabatious, going by his old name on this forum. Wow that is dumb, if'it is obseved we can test it ..... But we never do. Google,the James Randi Foundation and his yet unclaimed $1 million prize for demonstrations ofmthe supernatursl, shame you didn't take your demons there latin.

    i'm a little embarrassed and ashamed to hear such illogical, dsngerous, lazy talk from ex jw's ....but then ...... Is also makes perfect sense.

    latin and seraphim both go to hospital when sick, not their minds or a crystal store on ebay....when life and death is in the balance they snap out of the woo and come to science.... At least, I really sincerely hope they do.

    That is me signing out, I come here and give my time to help people with genuine questions and wanting to understsnd science, as,I once did, not to argue the unknowns. You two may think it is funny or entertaining to use JW logic in seeking uninforrmed back doors to deny reality...but people will read this,and get caught up in your woo. Every time you read of someone denying science for woo and hurting themselves, know that such illogical, uneducated, unintelligent, unscientific, biased, bullshit...harms people. Do not dare joke or take that sentence lightly, children die in the hands of parents denying science and administering prayer or spirit or some other woo.... There have been several cases in the last 5 years and it amounts to child abuse, what you promote is no joke, it is no HOBBY latin, maybe it is time to grow up.

    i wont contribute to such dangerous woo, I did that as a JW and I live in shame for it, so I am out of here....

    Enjoy arguing with the findings of reality for the rest of your life, keep in mind where you turn to when you need technology, medicine and answers and i'll go on supportimg the looking for such findings so we can help more people like you.

    Snare x

  • Seraphim23

    Snare, what makes you think that I approve of religious people who support the idea that faith in God or anything spiritual means one should reject a doctor as the only port of call for treatment using science? You are talking about the issue of religious teachers who tell their flocks to reject or postpone conventional treatment in the name of faith, or religious books. I don’t approve of that. Yet spirituality will never be gone from human kind, and there are reasons for this other than the idea that it was the primitive’s explanation for why the sun came up. There are atheists even, on this board, which have experienced spiritual experiences, but won’t admit to it because of the reception they would get. Surly that tells you something, but perhaps not!

  • bohm

    who would have thought.. it seems things arent that fun over at the no-evidence zone.

  • cofty
    Surly that tells you something, but perhaps not!

    It tells me that humans are only partially rational beings - and stop calling me surly (sic)

  • cantleave

    Surly or Surely?

  • DJS

    I've had lots of spiritual experiences and I'm not ashamed to say it. Let's see, her name was . . . .

  • xchange

    I'm an atheist (weak, strong or whatever). I've had spiritual experiences. Or so I thought they were 'spiritual' at the time.

    That was when I was in a religious/god/jesus mode. So of course I thought it was a metaphysical phenomenon that I was experiencing.

    Turns out that once I started to carefully critique my thinking on the matter (god) and over time found myself outside of that theological framework, I saw things differently.

    Funny how learning biology, psychology, neurology, physiology, etc will shed a different light on matters.

    It's like owning a car. Some people will hear a ping coming from the motor and speculate endlessly on the cause. While others will undertake learning more about engines. How motors are built, how they run, and how to identify the cause the ping based on a working knowledge of the engine. Unqualified speculation versus actual knowledge.

    So I'm not afraid to say on this board that I've had experiences.

  • cantleave

    Anyone who hasn't seen it should see Derren Brown's "Fear and Faith" where he created a religious experience for an atheist.

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