Donations aren't coming in from Western Countries: more confirmation

by Julia Orwell 65 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wasblind

    I know for a fact that the computer, printer and fax machine and mini fridge

    was contributed by a brother who was made an elder after that contribution

    His appointment wasn't spirit direct as claimed . He paid for that position

    out of his own pocket

    Also the Brothers use thier own gas and equiptment to keep the property mowed

    when it was time to spruce up the Hall for the Memorial we had to bring our own

    cleanin' supplies and tools


  • wasblind

    I haven't step foot in a kingdom hall in over 5 years

    Do they still tell the congregation from the podium the monthly expenses and what the donations were ?

    Because if I can remember correctly, the donations never covered the expenses

  • wasblind

    Somebody please correct me if my memory is twisted

  • konceptual99

    I fear that rumours of the imminent bankruptcy of the WTS are vastly exagerated.

    Conjecture for the motion:

    - at congregation level most expenses are catered for by the minority of members

    - apathy, stagnation, even contraction in the Western world = less contributions

    - growth in numbers amongst developing world countries means more members but not an equivelent increase in resources

    - consolidation of branches and property sell off reflect concern, even panic, by the heirarchy at the financial state of the org

    - the society is going to have pay Candice Conti millions and millions which will (a) be a huge blow to finances and (b) open the flood gates.

    These all have an element of truth and there is no doubt that the downsizing task will reduce costs but many organisations have reduced bricks and morter assests as technology has allowed them to do more with less.

    I know from my time as an accounts servant how much of the costs were handled and that less than 50% of the cong contributed.

    The skewing of the membership towards less affluent nations will have an impact.

    The reality is however that the org has stacks of cash and material assets. I do accept that they might have a problem in the long term, especially if hit with lots of high cost litigation but the amount of reserves they have along with the regular income simply means that there will be a long wait before it get's critical and I simply don't see it becoming terminal any time soon.

    One thing that does increase income I suspect is circuit assemblies. It's only annecdotal but I suspect people who do not donate at the hall are more inclined to donate at a larger event. What if they could arrange more assemblies? Perhaps the AGM is a pep-rally that gets people to donate on an emotional whim? Maybe we shall see more special events, streamed round the world?

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I remember feeling so guilty years ago, when I first visited my wife's old congregation (100 + pubs) which was mostly composed of comfortably off Witnesses. They read out the financial statement which shocked me - bank balance of about 400 euros!!

    Why did I feel guilty? Because while I was visiting her old home town, I purchased a beautiful power tool at a reduced price - 600 euros!!

    I couldn't believe the congregation was so low in donations!

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    konceptual99 said, "that there will be a long wait before it get's critical and I simply don't see it becoming terminal any time soon."

    Lehman Brothers were a bigger concern financially than WTBTS. What happened to them came out of the blue to everyone but those at the top - in the 'know'.

    AIG, (needed major bail-out) Woolworths became extinct, and Greece, Italy, and Portugal are all surviving, thanks solely to the world banking system. The WTBTS does not have such 'knights in shining armour' ready to bail them out of a catastrophic financial crisis, and that's why I fully expect some drastic and out-of-the ordinary begging letters from HQ for cash in the coming months!

    The 'Black Swan Theory' springs to mind!

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Identifying a black swan event (from Wikipedia)

    Based on the author's criteria:

    1. The event is a surprise (to the observer).
    2. The event has a major effect.
    3. After the first recorded instance of the event, it is rationalized by hindsight, as if it could have been expected; that is, the relevant data were available but unaccounted for in risk mitigation programs. The same is true for the personal perception by individuals.

    Sounds as if all the "new lights" in the July WT are Black Swans.

  • hoser

    One thing that does increase income I suspect is circuit assemblies. It's only annecdotal but I suspect people who do not donate at the hall are more inclined to donate at a larger event. What if they could arrange more assemblies? Perhaps the AGM is a pep-rally that gets people to donate on an emotional whim? Maybe we shall see more special events, streamed round the world?

    I saw this first hand last year at the zone visit. They had it at our assembly hall and they made a plea for money for renovations. After people were literally lined up to put in their contributions.

  • blondie

    My husband did accounts for years as an MS and elder. He was always robbing Peter to pay Paul as directed by the COBOE. One brother would give nothing for 6 months and then when they were on the edge he would donate a "princely" sum equal to what others gave over six months but each month. He wanted to look like he was saving their financial rearends. About 5 families gave anything over $50/month. No one considered giving $5/mo. People would say they were poor and then admit they spent $100 renting movies every month. And yes, many a CO told the elders that if the sheep did not come up with the money, the elders had to.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Just so we are all on the same page, if the elders and some others make up the shortfalls all the time, then your congregation is meeting it's needs. WTS doesn't care where a congregation finds the money, as long as they do.

    Regardless of what WTS thinks the donation for mags/literature should be, the congregation sends what it sends and WTS somehow has enough for the worldwide literature distribution. If they did not, they would stop sending it out. I am certain their expectations from each congregation are higher than the actual amount needed to stay in the black, ......well- except for their newest expense: lawsuits. Still, the literature has always always always provided them a surplus and they have reduced expenses (less mags, softcover) whenever they needed more surplus.

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