Donations aren't coming in from Western Countries: more confirmation

by Julia Orwell 65 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • nonjwspouse

    Se excellent information! Thank you so much for alowing us to understand more about how this all works.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Hey thanks guys for the great information and lively discussion, and especially those who stuck up for me against pure worship's mean spirited and ignorant attack on me.

  • problemaddict

    SYntaxerror -Thank you for that. I once helped with accounts as well, but times were a bit simpler then. I too basically noticed that the hall had a coupel of wealthy benefactors you may say. Did you ever wonder how this sister knew to write a check for 20K? isn't uncommon that the wealthier (or percieved wealthier), be actually ASKED for this donation.

    I live in a nice house. We have a mortgage however that is less than my old rent, and the place was a steal because it was a wreck before I got to it in the foreclosure crisis. Simply put, we got lucky with a decent investment (we were due). But because it is nice, (and would normally be out of our price range), I was asked CONFIDENTIALLY, if I could help the congregation with its bills which after a long talk ended up being to the tune of 5K. I told them they got the wrong guy!

    SFTW- Here is your post.

    So lets see. Hmmmm. A poster that sees herself as a feminine version of a fictitious writer substituting Julia for George states that she has the inside track on the financial health of God's Organization. Her mole? An elder that supposedly did the accounts for his congregation. An evidently spiritually weak elder at that considering he's relaying confidential talk to someone inactive. Ha! Might as well post letters from the branch on Reddit! Even if George Orwell, oops I mean Julia posts truthfully, than this elder is basically a Judas or well on his way to becoming one. Even if what Ms.Orwell states is true, the organization's longevity is a testament to Jehovah's blessing. Just another example within a long list of circumstances that God miraculously provided for His people.

    1) Why even comment on her screen name. its just a screen name.

    2) Her mole? You mean her friend who is an elder that spoke to her? What is wrong with him speaking to his friend? Spiritually weak for what reason exactly. Is there a scripture he is in violation of?

    3) Then he becomes a Judas? Good grief that is quite the judgement from a far.

    4) If she is telling the truth? The last nail is always when you realize that the stuff online is largely true. The things you have been told are lies, are many times accurate. What that means to you is up to you, but don't shoot the messanger, just decide for yourself.

    5) Which miracle are you referring to? As already pointed out, if longevity is a sign of blessing, you have some explaining to do. JW's are one of the newest religions out there. I am also curious as to this long list of circumstances.

    Hey we are willing to have a civil conversation with you, but you came in here all heated. So chill out and lets talk. You have already taken the first step by allowing yourself to read here.....and to be angry.

  • Fernando

    Makes me think of a powerful comment and clip in a YouTube video about WTBS:

    they don't have "paid clergy" but rather "paying clergy"!

    Baylon the Great (the harlotrous WBTS's mother) would be delighted if they could find a way to pull the same scam, and still keep their tithes and offerings.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    "Stand for pure worship" - i don't think so. Whatever worship you're doing, it's anything BUT pure. First of all, what are you doing slumming around in this forum with people who do not believe the WT is God's one true earthly organization? That's against the rules of the very entity you're defending!

    Second, your comment was sarcastic, rude, belligerant, condescending - just what I would expect from one of Jehovah's Witnesses when they are being themselves and not putting on the smarmy fake "principled love" smiley KH face.

    It's pure bull pucky, not pure worship.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Fernando: they don't have "paid clergy" but rather "paying clergy"!

    The day will come when the elders will get tired of picking up the financial slack.

    The collection of the 'Household Financial Survey' deadline to determine if the $200 million will be reached in Southern California is October 11 of this month.

    Last I heard from a source in Southern California is that very few JW families have responded thus far even though there have been numerous reminders from the podium to head of households to turn them in so that the committees involved can determine how much they can count on JW families to contribute to the supposed push to build 72 Kingdom Halls.

    Who do you think will be pressured to come up with the deficit? You guessed it......the elders! Those poor SOBs!

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    "And what of Orwell? How do you know I'm not distantly related to him and have taken his pen name to honour my great uncle? How do you know my real last name in the real world is not Blair? And Blair to Orwell- it's a short jump. I happen to be a great admirer of George Orwell, and chose my name in his honour, like someone else might choose Dickens. What I state is true. It is what I was told. And if the org's longevity is testament to J's blessing, then the Catholic church is far more blessed as it is longer living and better provided for. How many of George Orwell's books and essays have you read, if any?"

    First of all, Homage to Catalonia and Down & Out in Paris & London are two of my favorite books. Yes, unlike you and the typical "knowledgeable" JW, I've moved on from 1984 and Animal Farm. As far as your alluding to some distant relation to Orwell, well I'll have you know my pet gecko shares the same DNA as Godzilla. Aren't I special? Evidently! Also,the Catholic Church's success can be likened to the mass(no pun lol) of weeds found in the garden of any old man in the fall. Soon to be pulled by its roots and tossed in the rubbish! Now, kick rocks!

  • LisaRose

    "Also,the Catholic Church's success can be likened to the mass(no pun lol) of weeds found in the garden of any old man in the fall. Soon to be pulled by its roots and tossed in the rubbish! Now, kick rocks"

    So....the Catholics make converts, and they are weeds. But the dubs make converts and that is proof God is blessing them? You are a riot. Kick Rocks??? Please post some more I can't get enough of your wit and wisdom.

  • konceptual99

    Don't feed the troll.

  • tenyearsafter
    tenyearsafter rationale for argument is something to behold! It reminds me of one of my favorite scriptures...

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