Donations aren't coming in from Western Countries: more confirmation

by Julia Orwell 65 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DesirousOfChange

    Isn't Crooklyn getting paid twice for the literature? Once when publisher's "donate" for the literature, and the 2nd time, when householders give us their donation, that we put in the contribution box for them?

    NO ONE that I know asks for donations in service, so they don't get any.

    VERY FEW contribute when they pick up mags or literature. Some (esp older ones) have a monthly contribution they make each month to cover these costs. I know of one elderly sister who faithfully deposited her $100 check into EACH of the contribution boxes (WWW; Local Contributions; KH Building Fund). Very few can afford that kind of giving; and very few of those who can, don't.


  • StephaneLaliberte

    I stopped giving monney at least 3 years ago. I feel forced to be a JW. So why would I give any penny. I know I'm not the only one.

  • hoser

    I know of one elderly sister who faithfully deposited her $100 check into EACH of the contribution boxes (WWW; Local Contributions; KH Building Fund). Very few can afford that kind of giving; and very few of those who can, don't.

    usually widows who want to see their dead loved ones again

  • StephaneLaliberte

    wasblind: They don't review the accounts from the platform anymore, but put the account sheet on the billboard. But when monney is lacking, they are never too shy to make a talk in regards to the needs of the congregation.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I suspect that through the years, they will increase presure to give donations through regular credit card payment and manifacture e means for the elders of the congregation to know who is on the roll. Presure will mount with : Getting your receipt. That way, they'll know who gives what and know who they can try to guilt trip.

  • Watchtower-Free

    Hey "Stand for Pure Worship" for a real eye opener use the search function on this site . 4.2 million posts

    Many former and current Bethelites

    Many former and current pioneers

    Many former and current Elders

    Have been active on this site .

    I'm a 3rd gen inactive JW . Some of the most qualified and vocal critics of the JWs are still technically JWs .

  • sir82

    Guy guys guys....

    "Stand For Pure Worship" is George / Misery, back from purgatory.

  • tenyearsafter

    SFPW...the beauty of a forum like this, is that anyone can post their thoughts. I am a little puzzled by your attack on Julia, as she is reporting information passed on to her. I find your statement that " the organization's longevity is a testament to Jehovah's blessing" to be a bit misleading...using that same reasoning, you would have to admit that God's blessing is on the Catholic has been around a lot longer than the JW's...and a lot larger in numbers as well. They must really have God's blessing!

  • tenyearsafter

    Sorry...double post

  • NVR2L8

    I did the accounts for years and the core of the donations came from older ones with little means who wrote 12 postdated checks worth $30 or $40. A few wealthy brothers would donate $1000 to $1500 in December to get a tax receipt. These end of year donations kept us afloat during the coming months. One year our elders had the bright idea to donate $4500 of that money to the WWW and we struggled to meet our expenses for the whole year. Our contribution to the KHall general expenses was only $8 per publisher per month x 110 for each of the 2 congregstions and I can assure you only 2 of the 6 elders contributed regularly...and no one could say they anonymously put cash money in the boxes because the bulk of the contributions were checks.

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