I'm Not Effective Here
by Farkel 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Brother Farkel,
Don't get in that kind of mood on us now. Damn, or as they say along the Ohio River, Dayuuum, you do real good stuff. So, Farkle, we all luv ya, and do like the stuff you write, so don't leave us now in our hour of need. Cause if ya leave, Ima gonna blow my brains out with my father's 45 - no I ain't neither, but I thought that might get your attention.
Farkle, fly to Findlay, not that far from Freemont, and we will go to Fricker's for fried chicken, french fries, hot fudge sundaes, followed up with French Cognac, what do ya think, my fine feathered friend?
There IS a place for me to play. I just haven't found it yet!
I don't think this site was NEVER meant to be a playground. I believe that Simon invests in this board (more than anyone will know) to help people to find the truth and take the road least travelled, not to create the online Roman Gladiator-type spectacle that you, AlanF and the rest of the gang have created here as a stimulant like caffeine.
I suspect that Simon is pleased to read this latest post of yours, because it appears you have decided to seek greener pastures whence to frolick. Perhaps now this board can fulfill its purpose of discussing JW-related issues such as reforming the problems plaguing the organization.
Farkel, for what it's worth, I don't hold a grudge against you. I also think you underestimate God, and will discover that the new world is the playground you have been looking for all your life.
Reformation is all about extracting the tumor from the organization, so that it can flourish. You even once admitted that JWs are not the problem, but it is the corrupt leadership that has created the current state of affairs. JWs themselves for the most part secretly believe that God will spare those who don't accept the Watchtower's human-interpreted dogma. I expect to see you on the other side of Armageddon as a matter of fact, after all of this is forgotten.
Until then, I hope you find forgiveness in your heart for JWs. It will all be different after the reformation, and there are many good years ahead of one of God's many organizations.
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.-- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)
: But that just me and I'm one of the few here who really like you.
May God help me.
Thanks for the email. You have my number. Let me know how to contact you when you move.
Derelick's post should be enough to make Farkel stay!
Farkel, Don't make me have to go out and buy rope. I will hog tie your ass and make you stay!
All the insite you share with us and those who lurk is needed. You know it as well as anyone here. God help us if people such as myself have to start doing all that hard research you have done to help others. Could you imagine? Whew!
So, I mean it, I will tie your ass here even if I have to go find you in order to do it.
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
Damn you women and your evil smiley face icons!
Don't you know that all us guys have no clue what any of them mean? We are icon idiots.Fark,
In another month or so we can buy firecrackers and go hang out by some public restrooms and have some real fun. Come on Fark, don't be sad. It cracks me up when your sad and I know how much you hate that.Alan is coming out in June, we can have all kinds of fun picking on him. He's an easy target and both of us can beat the crap out of him blind folded with two by fours stuck up our butts. Come on man, lighten up!
Perhaps now this board can fulfill its purpose of discussing JW-related issues such as reforming the problems plaguing the organization.
Well that's certainly not my purpose Derrick. I'm here to see no WT stone left upon another. "What agreement has the temple of God with idols?"
How can you reform the WT? Is there any form that it contains that is of use? Recreate maybe.
".. come out from them, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you",.... Unclean doesn't mean on the outside Derrick.
The only real issue is - Is is best to converse with them (and have them believe themselves to be in someway ok) or give them up and abandon them so they may question themselves deeply (the young aside)?
Flaunting my plunging neckline?????