I want to thank all of you for your responses. It was most enlightening for me.
With very few exceptions, I'm one of the "old" apostates since I left the WTS thirty years ago. Therefore, I don't have much of the baggage that those who've left recently have. But we all have baggage. It's to be expected. After all, we were in a CULT!
I noted that those who care about people by way of wanting to provide experiences and research about the Watchtower Experience(tm) responded kindly. Those (in my opinion) who also care about people but who are not interested in providing experiences and research about the Watchtower Experience(tm) responded differently.
Those were my observations. There's always someone who wants to tell us what to do based upon their OWN experiences. Well, I wasn't telling anyone what to do but I was saying my own personal feelings. On a world-wide forum, no less. I was attacked for being honest by some people. Yet, I was still honest. I will remain honest.
For those of you who think I have some hidden agenga or some hidden drama in all of this, I say: you don't know me.
I simply want to do the best I can do on the soapbox where I can reach the audience I want to reach. My audience is not ex-dubs who have put dubland behind them and just want a social club to play in.
I know that many on this board are just like that. I take some umbrage that they attack me for trying to reach out for others (not like them) who are crying for help and information. They "encourage" me to get the hell off this board because for them it is a social club and not a forum for anything else.
This is what I do, and this is what I will always do until I say "no more."
Bite me!