I'm Not Effective Here

by Farkel 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    " I just want to make a difference in the lives of dubs and wannabe dubs and ex-dubs lives. I want to help honest people in dubland."

    So do many of us here. We do what we can, when we can.

    You don't owe anyone here anything.

    "Love good, and do what you will."

    I'm glad I had a chance to read your stuff. I enjoyed it.

  • notperfectyet


    You know you are, and have always been my hero.

    Fine quit, go somewhere else..

    <p.s. when you get there can you send me an e-mail?>

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini


    I read all your posts, but I don't know you to well, like the other friends from the forum here knows you.

    Some one posted on this thread that deep posts don't get to go far on this forum... think about that... also, how many people you don't know get the help you desire to give? it is OK if you never find out.. as long as there is someone you helped. My dos.. (two). I hope you stay around.


  • MegaDude


    I like your posts, but I think when you start posting crap like this AGAIN what you really need to do is take a long break from things JW and ex-JW related. Maybe permanently. You post indicates that being heavily involved in your anti-JW crusade is not effective *for you* and not making you happy. Get a life outside the whole JW/ex-JW mess. Piss off now and don't come back. I'm sure I'll be joining you down the line.

  • Celia

    I second Xena and TR
    Farkel, I sent you an e-mail, did you get it, or you ignored it ?

  • Derrick
    On the other hand, would you like a nice essay on say, Watchtower weasal words? I'm thinking about writing something about THAT one!

    You were uncharacteristically kind and I admire that.

    That "essay" might be just what the psychoanalyst ordered. Try writing a post supporting and praising JWs in the words you think are the most GB-organization-star-bethelite-or-elder-or-perfect-pioneering-loyal JW -- yes the best of the best in the whole wide world -- would write. I would be interested to see your perceptions after projecting yourself into that persona to subtly revealed your truest worldview towards JWs.

    Perhaps such an essay "would do the body good" to quip that milk commercial -- and help identify to reformers who are lurking on this site exactly what areas of the organization are the deepest trouble spots, and areas that require surgical attention?


    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)

  • seven006

    Xena, thank you for your guide to the happy face language. You are such a sweetheart. You know all us guys do not use them, it's definitely a chick thing.


  • SYN

    Dave: [>:(][8>]

    Farkel: Please don't leave, this place just wouldn't be the same without you! Besides, how many other sites can you write insightful, hilarious Anti essays on and actually have people enjoy your writing? GreatCrowd.net maybe?

    Every religion is the One True Religion.

  • og

    Farkel, I lurked for a long time, and your posts were something I always looked for, probably a reason I stayed with this board and eventually registered. Even if you become less regular here (which is certainly understandable) I hope you post occasionally. Thanks for much thought-provoking discussion.

  • Farkel

    I want to thank all of you for your responses. It was most enlightening for me.

    With very few exceptions, I'm one of the "old" apostates since I left the WTS thirty years ago. Therefore, I don't have much of the baggage that those who've left recently have. But we all have baggage. It's to be expected. After all, we were in a CULT!

    I noted that those who care about people by way of wanting to provide experiences and research about the Watchtower Experience(tm) responded kindly. Those (in my opinion) who also care about people but who are not interested in providing experiences and research about the Watchtower Experience(tm) responded differently.

    Those were my observations. There's always someone who wants to tell us what to do based upon their OWN experiences. Well, I wasn't telling anyone what to do but I was saying my own personal feelings. On a world-wide forum, no less. I was attacked for being honest by some people. Yet, I was still honest. I will remain honest.

    For those of you who think I have some hidden agenga or some hidden drama in all of this, I say: you don't know me.

    I simply want to do the best I can do on the soapbox where I can reach the audience I want to reach. My audience is not ex-dubs who have put dubland behind them and just want a social club to play in.

    I know that many on this board are just like that. I take some umbrage that they attack me for trying to reach out for others (not like them) who are crying for help and information. They "encourage" me to get the hell off this board because for them it is a social club and not a forum for anything else.

    This is what I do, and this is what I will always do until I say "no more."

    Bite me!



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