upstate New York

by bonnie38 106 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bonnie38

    I was in the Glens Falls congregation during the years you mention and I recognize all the names you listed. Some other names from there are Montgomery, Hope, Guimond, Burgess, Chattin, McKinney, Garafalo. I was a teenager during those years, I started regular pioneering in 1979

  • bonnie38

    I wonder if we know each other. I was in the Rotterdam congregation from 1992-1997.

  • annalice

    do you know the livingstons of the rotterdam cong?

  • bonnie38

    Yes, I do know the Livingstons. Jennifer used to occasionally babysit for my kids

  • YHWHWho

    I guess I feel a bit lost, what I imagine an adopted person may feel. I don't feel like I have any sense about who I am. I was disfellowshipped at the age of 19. I think this is in the age range where everyone becomes a person. I think this is a really important period in eveybodies development. As it turns out, I was thrown to the wolves so to speak. I admit it was my choice, and I can live with that. But it just seems like I missed out on an important period of my life because of this damn cult. For instance I remember certain events that occured during our rearing. The problem is becaused I was denied the opportunity to relive these moments through talking with my family I often get details right, but am confused or wrong about who it happened to. But on the other hand I remember things so vividly that they happened just the way I remember. For example, although I don't believe I've ever mentioned this, but I believe you are responsible for one of the kindest acts of commpasion ever displayed towards me. As I recall I spent a day at Saratoga state park. I got so sunburned I was literally sick to my stomach. And you let me sleep in your top bunk because you knew I'd be more comfortable than sleeping in my own bed. I have appreciated that act of kindness for damn near 30 years. Now here's the thing, Did it happen as I remember it? I believe it did. Is it possible I'm wrong about it? There's probably a 50 percent chance that I am. Why? Because of that damn cult and being denied normal family interaction during an important development period. Do you see what I mean about having no sense of who I am?

  • YHWHWho

    As much as I hate to, I must sign off now. I have to get up for work in like 5.5 hours. I'll check back tomorrow.


  • DazedAndConfused

    YHWYWho, did you get my email? I sent one a couple of days ago.

  • RichardBJr

    I live just south of Albany, and have been out of the Lie for about 14 years. However, I was in the same congregation as Bob & Bess Thomas & their daughter for a couple of years around 1980. They were a great family! I wonder what happened to them?
    Anyone interested in getting together who lives within an hour or so of me... write!!
    Richard :)

  • RevMalk

    WAIT WAIT WAIT HERE A SECOND DAZED! Brian is an Elder again? How in the hell do you boink the presiding overseer's 17 year old daughter and become an elder again all within a 3 year period, and skip right over everything else?????? Whoa, I am totally blown away, I had no idea this had happened!

    Ok, this is all so wild, seeing names from my past, and they're not even in a nightmare this time!

    I was named after dear Mr. Petrowski (as he brought my parents into the "Truth") and I was disfellowshipped from the Ballston Spa Congregation. Which was totally absurd because I wasn't even in their territory and had never been associated with the congregation in my entire life. Also noting that I hadn't even been in association with any congregation for quite a few years, and my two witnesses were idiots who didn't even know me. Ok, that's all just my personal rantings.

    I'm trying to think of who I know in the area beyond Saratoga Congregation. I was in Warrensburg for a short time in the early 90's......I know that Lou Foley served there for a short time when they needed help. What an idiot Lou is, of all the people I can remember, I'd like to forget him the most. What a pompous self promoting fool he was. I remember a convention where he sat up on stage saying how great he was, how he had done some work in Canada involving his cleaning business, and how he was praised by the IRS for correctly claiming all income involving that work. Since when does the IRS praise anyone, and guess what? You're suppose to claim all income made, so what made Lou so special?

    who else was up there......there was this one guy who used to build log cabins, he was cool. I forget his name, but last I knew he was DF'd. My good friend Danny Parker worked for him for a while. He and Trudy were back and forth throughout the congregations between Warrensburg, Saratoga, Corinth, and Tampa Florida. I heard a few years ago Danny passed away. He was good people, and Trudy as well. I remember his son sprayed some pepper spray in the KH one thrursday night and cleared the whole place out, it was hilarious. He apparently thought it was breath spray or something, but it was great, haha I'll never forget that.

    This molestation thing has me rattled as well with the Elders in Saratoga. I know they're misled and confused, and have done some downright wrong things, but this is a shock. I spent alot of time with all of them as a child and never had a problem with any of them. There was Paul Petrowski, whom I spent contless hours alone with. He used to take me hiking and everything. Don Gilmore used to take me fishing alone, no problem at all. Gary Harnish was an elder for quite a few years, and I lived at his house. Castanza I never dealt with much. Buddy (Lou) Foley I don't know about, I stayed away from him. Ernie Hord was an elder for years. Kennie Bixler, John baker, Joe Kondash.......ooohh oh oh oh, what was that guy's name that came in from Citrus Heights, California......managed the Little Caesars Pizza Place over by Jamesway? That guy was the pervert of the century, Dave something. He always talked about Sex in his talks, no matter what the subject matter was......There was Matt Woodruff, who wasn't an Elder.....he tried something with me out in the woods at a convention in Lake Placid, but I just slapped him silly and he took me back to our hotel.

    As for Ballston Spa Congregation, I don't know a whole lot except they DF'd me, and I lived in Saratoga. The presiding overseer there I can't stand.....he looks like MR. Peabody. Ubanks, that's it. I heard he's not there anymore, but this guy is a piece of work. I was going through a divorce, and this guy was putting moves on my Pregnant wife!

    I could go on with stories from there, but now I have to go do some thinking, this is all just so wild.

    Saratoga Springs, New York
    Congregation Refugee

  • Disengaged

    What happened in the Ogensburg Congregation in the Mid 80's ?
    Can anyone give a brief synopsis? I knew someone from there.

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