Stand For Pure Worship, what convinces you that the governing body is being used by Jehovah? Thanks.

by The Quiet One 110 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • chrisuk

    " hiding pedophilia"

    I hope someone on this forum can show you that the gb are just as guilty of this as the catholics.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    SFPW said: "All the other religions of the world are doing things contrary to God's will. They're involved with politics, rife with sexual immorality, supporting homosexuality, hiding pedophilia, and fleecing their flocks for every penny they can get out of them."
    .... This shows how well indoctrinated you are. I admit to also having a limited knowledge of other groups, but even I know that the Christadelphians, as just one example, prove your sweeping generalisation to be untrue.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    ' Christadelphians aim to get as close as possible to the faith and practice of the early Christian church. They describe themselves as"a lay community patterned after first century Christianity".
    Their name comes from a Greek phrase,
    Christou adelphoi, which means'brothers (and sisters) in Christ'.
    Christadelphians have no priests, paid ministers...
    Christadelphians do not have elaborate churches, robes or ceremonies.
    Way of life
    Christadelphians are not totally exclusive but they do regard themselves as set apart to serve God.
    Because of this they try to live to the highest moral standards and avoid activities that they regard as'of the world'.
    They only marry within the faith.Christadelphiansdo not join the armed forces or the police, nor do they vote or take part inpolitics.
    Christadelphians regard themselves as Christians but don't accept some mainstream Christian doctrine.
    For example, they believe that God is not aTrinitybut the single being God the Father.
    They believe that Jesus Christ was (and is) the Son of God, but was also a man as he was born of a woman, though this birth was miraculous.
    They believe that the Holy Spirit is the power of God.
    They believe that Jesus now lives in Heaven, but will literally return to the earth to set up God's Kingdom... Those who are found worthy will live in the Kingdom for ever; those who are not, or those who have not been raised, will stay dead forever.
    They are a millennial church and believe that Jesus will co-exist on earth with his followers for a thousand years (the millennium) before the final battle of Armageddon.
    Due to their interpretation of prophecies and in particular the Olivet Prophecy, they believe that the day of Jesus'return will be soon.
    The Olivet Prophecy describes the signs thatChristadelphiansbelieve indicate the return of Jesus. The signs are described by Jesus in Matthew 24 and 25, Mark 13 and Luke 21 and include war, famine,"men's hearts failing them for fear"and people being more interested in themselves than in God.Christadelphians believe these signs have been fulfilled and, consequently, that Jesus will soon return. '

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    ' A few Christadelphian have lost work as a result of this changing environment. For instance one marriage registrar was expected to conduct civil unions and resigned rather than do so. '

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    ' The Christadelphian brotherhood as you would be well aware don't support homosexual practices, that is, gay marriages, gay partners, or the promotion that the Bible supports these type of relationships '

  • Xanthippe
    No confusion, or contradicting messages was I exposed to
    I'm able to continue supporting the belief that was passed onto me without unnecessary questions
    Our WT Study provides all in attendance an oppurtunity to provide expressions of faith as directed by the material within the article

    A wonderful description of mind-control techniques, thank you.

  • jwfacts

    Stand for Pure Worship - That was a very fluffy answer. A lot of broad statements with nothing to back it up.

    Jehovah has always used some form of organization and mediatorship to fulfill His purposes upon the Earth as it relates to spiritual direction.

    Really? Who was that organisation between Adam and Noah? What organisation did Lot belong to. What organisation was being used between Jesus time and 1919?

    When Jehovah used an organisation, he made it clearly known. He spoke directly to them, like Noah or Moses. He used a pillar of smoke. He spoke from the heavens, or enabled miracles. The Governing Body have not provided a single sign of being used.

    All the other religions of the world are doing things contrary to God's will. They're involved with politics, rife with sexual immorality, supporting homosexuality, hiding pedophilia, and fleecing their flocks for every penny they can get out of them.

    As is the Watchtower. The Watchtower is well known for its protection of pedophiles, so well known that in Australia the royal commission into child abuse within religion specifically has highlighted Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses, along with a couple of other religions. The Watchtower is entrenched in politics. The average member is not supposed to vote, but the leadership have throughout history lobbied governments, and made use of the judicial arm of politics. And the Watchtower is a multi billion dollar corporation, made rich from the constant demands to provide free labour building their property empire and distributing literature for a donation, or previously for sale.

    You show a very narrow understanding of your own religion, or that of other religions. It would do you well to do some real research. It is important to get alternative points of view, outside of the indoctrination you have been subjected to your entire life, in order to come to an understanding of your religion.

    Fortunate enough for me, I was born into the True Religion.

    Interesting. What do you think of a God that is willing to destroy all those billions that were not fortunate enough to be born into the True Religion, and will never even meet someone from your religion? Is that really a God of love and justice.

  • carla

    From a non jw standpoint, I really do not get where jw's come off with the whole 'God always used an organization' thing. Naturally I do not use their perverted Bible though. In all the Bibles I have read God always used individuals not organizations.

  • Oubliette

    Their incredible track record of NEVER BEING RIGHT about any prophetic interpretation is just one of the many things that has convinced me that the GB are NOT being used by Jehovah.

    I could cite literally dozens of reasons why I have become convinced that JWs are not the True Religion, but I'll highlight just one:

    GB/FDS - The recent changes "in understanding" in the July 15th, 2013 WT should be compelling evidence to anyone that is not biased. If the GB's current "understanding" is now correct that they, and only they, are indeed the FDS, then what was the previous understanding? There is only one answer: incorrect. They were wrong. And if they weren't wrong, then the current GB is. You can't have it both ways.

    If the GB and all previous incarnations of WT leadership has been wrong about their own prophetic identify for the last century, how can we believe they are right about anything? This belief is after all the very foundation of their claim to authority and they've been wrong about it for nearly 100 years!

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Stand For Pure Worship, if you really cherish the so-called faithful and Discreet Slave, you wouldn't be going against their advice about reading apostate material or posting comments...

    "We also refuse to read their literature, watch TV programs that feature them, examine their Web sites, or add our comments to their blogs." Watchtower July 15, 2011 page 16 paragraph 7.

    It's clear that you really DO NOT stand for pure worsip.

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