Stand For Pure Worship, what convinces you that the governing body is being used by Jehovah? Thanks.

by The Quiet One 110 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • konceptual99

    "For just as the days of Noah..."

    That's very true. According to the last time the WT made significant reference to Noah he was too busy telling his sons how to build the ark to do anything to help the men outside his very door getting beaten up or the women in plain sight getting dragged off to be raped. Somehow the ultra violent society right there on his door step never affected him or his decades long construction project.

    So it is today. Witnesses on the whole are happy to take from society without contributing much. They are happy to take advantage of the benefits that people eductated in the sciences and engineering have made to the world whilst decrying such education as a waste of time.

    They are happy to console themselves with the excuse that peddling the WT is a work far more worthy than any other charitable endevour whilst leaving the doctors, nurses and other voluntary workers in places such as Syria risking their lives to save others.

    They are happy to consume blood products but not allow members to donate.

    They are happy to walk past the homeless, ignore the mentally ill, open profitable homes for the elderly but never a thought for those messed up children who cannot be housed with their abused parents whilst claiming that getting the RBC to rebuild a Witness' house then getting them to donate the insurance is charitable works beyond compare.

    They are happy to leech the free labour of thousands whilst building a global real estate portfollio of billions. They are then happy to cash in on the portfollio whilst throwing out those that helped them build it with the minimum of support.

    They are happy to spend millions building new complexes for publishing and distribution without giving a penny to help those in the communities they reside.

    Just as the days of Noah indeed.

  • Ucantnome

    SFPW i think they specific about the generation that would see the end.

  • jhine

    o.k. I have not read the whole thread , but I want to ask can you shut your eyes to the documented and easily proved facts that the GB have lied repeatedly over the years , about the Un , about failed prophecey , even

    about what was actually predicted for 1914 (originally the end not the beggining of the end ). You only know what you are told about other religions , not what you know for yourself . The Watchtower is every bit as bad as other religions for hiding paedophiles etc . They mistranslate the Bible adding words to dramatically change the meaning of the message and mis translating others to suit their doctrines .

    I know that other denominations have faults but they do not pervert the Bible and deliberately misquote in their publications to support that perversion .

    Can you ignore these things ?

  • erbie

    I own the book 'Life Everlasting in Freedom of The Sons of God' and I can tell you that it very, very definitely (that's definitely) points to the year 1975 as being the beginning of the New System of things and the thousand year rule of Christ.

    I'm sorry, to say that it does not...well, I refuse to waste my precious time entertaining such stupidity. I apologize if that sounds offensive but I cannot account for the way JW's deliberately misunderstand their own history. Quite a clever tactic but also quite transparent.

    Also, SFPW, in their earlier post, suggests that Mt 24 has a greater fulfilment for our generation.

    Have we not discussed this word enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There you go again!

    It didn't happen within the generation that is tied to that prophesy did it.

    That generation passed away without seeing it's fulfilment didn't it.

    No generation is 100 years long is it.

    A lot of what you say about the WT I agree with but this denial of truth and fact that I also see in you is the principle reason I became inactive.

    If you want to carry on as a Witness, accept the mistakes of the past, concentrate on what you like about your religion (because there is a lot to like) and move on but please, please do not try to convince people like me that black is white and white is black.

    I know that this intellectual dishonesty is born of insecurity about WT history but in the end reason and common sense must prevail.

    I wish you the very best and that is all I shall say on the matter.

  • Splash

    SFPW Jesus said to keep on the watch, and that's what those faithful brothers have done throughout the years.

    Keeping on the watch and giving false hope/promises that armageddon is imminent are two very different things.

    If my smoke detector went off every day I would not be grateful that there 'might' be a fire. I would throw it away as clearly defective.

    If the manufacturer of that smoke detector also made other items which kept failing, I would no longer buy from that manufacturer.


  • EdenOne

    That's one great illustration, Splash.


  • Ucantnome

    I think those at the top may well have known about the 1874 and the 6000 years and1925 and the jubilee if i remember right whereas many didn't. I shouldn't think it made much difference anyway if you had the heavenly hope and expected to die being well along in years in 1975 and the generation changing. Where as for younger ones it changed their lives not for the better i think.

  • notjustyet

    The Watchtower are nothing but false prophets. They were the most guilty of that sin during their 1918-1919 inspection. There's no way in HELL, they were appointed by Jehovah. Everything from that time period is riddled in false predictions, pyrmidology, and Jesus' presence occuring in 1874 (until 1943 this was taught).

    I thought that I had read on that this was taught until 1929 or so.

    Says that in 1930 they made mention of 1914 instead of the 1874 presence of Jesus.

    Here is the link to that page.


  • notjustyet

    SFPW Jesus said to keep on the watch, and that's what those faithful brothers have done throughout the years.

    Keeping on the watch and giving false hope/promises that armageddon is imminent are two very different things.

    If my smoke detector went off every day I would not be grateful that there 'might' be a fire. I would throw it away as clearly defective.

    If the manufacturer of that smoke detector also made other items which kept failing, I would no longer buy from that manufacturer.


    Great thought, I wish I had heard this one about 2 years ago when 2 elders were at my door asking me why my family was missing meetings.

    They mentioned that if my house was on fire, would I want them to kick in the door and run in and drag my family out to safety. I said yes of course, but I also mentioend to them that it is illegal to shout "Fire" into a crowded theatre if there is not an actual fire. One elder came back with a "Where theres smoke, there's fire" comment, I would have loved to "dove tail" your thought into his comment.


  • AnnOMaly

    SFPW: I'll save the date of Jerusalem's destruction being 607(fact) vs. 587(pseudo self serving history) for another thread. I thought Rulf Furuli research debunked Carl Jonnson's theories completely, but some have a hard time accepting that for some reason. Another day I'll touch on that.

    Hm. Knock yourself out, but I'm still not convinced you're a real JW apologist. I do think you have been here before under multiple names.

    wizzstick: Ladies and gentleman - Scholar returns!

    It isn't him.

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