This is a great thread for lurkers, and myself included, cos the indoctrinated mind immediately goes to these platitudes to answer questions, but to see logical, even scriptural rebuttals against these platitudes is great! Thanks SFPW, you speak as a true indoctrinated Jw, these answers must hurt somewhat but it's an eye opener for sure..
Stand For Pure Worship, what convinces you that the governing body is being used by Jehovah? Thanks.
by The Quiet One 110 Replies latest watchtower bible
This is a good thread for any of us because all the answers and reasonings given by others are what we could use ourselves with our loved ones still trapped inside. Some great thoughts here!
Cold Steel
Do you believe there are many lurkers here who are active members of the Society?
I mean, if someone is a real JW true believer, wouldn't lurkng here be a transgression in and of itself? The body doesn't tolerate the religious views of others, especially apostates. Nor does it condone in the least the questioning of its own doctrine or the teaching of new, or different, doctrine (even if it later becomes "new light").
tenyearsafter make an eloquent argument for the GB being the "real deal" and being God's channel on earth. I am going to assume that you are being sincere in your comments, and not trying to "prank" everyone on JWN.
If you are sincere, can you answer two questions, because these are what really got me to thinking about the validity of the GB's claim to authority.
I agree that God has used some type of "voice" in dealing with his people...Moses, Abraham, etc. I can find no instance in the Bible where any of these "instruments of God" ever proclaimed anything (with the exception of future fulfillments) that did not come to be...can that be said of the WTS (the FDS) and its previous statements? Did any of the previous channels ever change direction and offer "new light" for a different explanation of God's instructions?
Why is the FDS, as described in Matthew 24:45 and Luke 12:42, to be taken as a literal personage when every other of the parables in the adjoining verses Jesus describes are taken as Jesus parables providing a lesson to the hearer of the parable?
These examples have truly troubled me, and no one has ever been able to show me a reason for these interpretations beyond saying in essence, "because we say it is true". Can you help me by showing me from the Bible where this authority and interpretation of scripture comes from?
If you choose not to answer me, I will assume you don't have an answer or choose not to substantiate your defense of the Truth as you see it...thank you.
JW's are basically just like Catholics except their College of Cardinals (Governing Body) claims that their teachings are solely based on the Bible. JW's don't really follow the Bible. They follow what the GB says the Bible says which, strangely, many Witnesses refuse to admit.
Frazzled UBM
SFPW - you seem to be heavy on the irony - the statement 'Luckily I was born into the True religion.' is just dripping with irony. Your statements are so clicheed it is hard to believe you are sincere.
Stand for Pure Worship
FrazzledUBM, I didn't use the word, Luckily, as True Christians don't attribute anything to luck, which is why I used the word fortunately. You might see it as semantics, but I see it as honoring the only true God, Jehovah. I might as well wallow in the same ignorance that the atheists have become accustomed to were I to attribute anything to luck. Just noticed the latter part of your name, UBM. I assume that stands for Unbaptized Male? If you want to progress spiritually and dedicate your life to Jehovah, you may want to better yourself at speaking the Pure Language. For the spiritually weak, it's all semantics, but for True Christians, words really do mean something. We believe in Undeserved Kindness, not something fictitious like, Grace. The same can be said with the differences in meaning when it comes to, Luck, and Fortunate.
I've been dying to get back to this thread, but my posting limits were constrained, and I've been extremely busy, too much so to answer each and every one of the questions directed to me on this thread. TenYearsAfter, during my lunch break, I'll come back and explain to you why the Faithful & Discreet Slave is to be taken literal as opposed to something illustrative or a parable. As time permits, perhaps I'll address some other concerns.