Stand for pure worship . Please explain the process of the GB communicating to us from Jehovah that the end will come before the generation that saw 1914 passes away, and that not end up being true. Please explain why Jehovah communicated that to them? Did he lie?
Stand For Pure Worship, what convinces you that the governing body is being used by Jehovah? Thanks.
by The Quiet One 110 Replies latest watchtower bible
Found Sheep
I was 12 my brain was not developed. After the dunk you don't question
Stand for Pure Worship
SloppyJoe, nobody ever said the organization was infallible. Regardless, Jesus said to keep on the watch, and that's what those faithful brothers have done throughout the years. Let's put it this way. Let's say every day on your commute to work you notice a well dressed man waiting for the bus at the bus stop. You don't pay him that much attention. However, one day your car wont start and being that you're in a hurry, you decide to catch the bus. The same bus you see the well dressed man waiting for. You approach him and ask if the arrival of the bus is imminent? He replies "it should be here soon, possibly in ten minutes but who knows. It could be longer." You wait 10 minutes, and growing impatient, you decide to call your boss and inform him that you're going to use a sick day in effect calling off.
You see, many within the ex-JW community are like that man who called off from work. They focused on the "ten minutes", but not the "it could be longer." The WT if anything is guilty of being too anxious for the end to arrive, but are also counted as righteous for keeping on the watch. The ex-JW community, or rather some, were simply impatient. Too focused on when they would be able to pet hyenas, and frolic in the pumpkin fields with resurrected men and women written about in the Bible. It was never about a love for Jehovah for such ones.
But that man never said God is communicating through me that the bus will be here in ten minutes. You did not answer the questions. What is the process, how does it happen, and did Jehovah lie?
The ex-JW community, or rather some, were simply impatient. Too focused on when they would be able to pet hyenas, and
frolic in the pumpkin fields with resurrected men and women written about in the Bible......SFPW
...............................................................................Nice Pumpkin Bum!..
Poindexter Lionel Humperdique
"Let's say every day on your commute to work you notice a well dressed man waiting for the bus at the bus stop. You don't pay him that much attention. However, one day your car wont start and being that you're in a hurry, you decide to catch the bus. The same bus you see the well dressed man waiting for. You approach him and ask if the arrival of the bus is imminent? He replies "it should be here soon, possibly in ten minutes but who knows. It could be longer." You wait 10 minutes, and growing impatient, you decide to call your boss and inform him that you're going to use a sick day in effect calling off."
I'd like to understand your illustration better. Does the "well-dressed man" represent the Governng Body, or is it simply a "red herring"? I would not think it a proper parallel for the "well-dressed man" that regularly utilizes the same bus stop to represent the Governing Body predicting the end. The end has not come yet. In contrast, the bus has been at the stop before. In fact, it frequents the bus stop on a repetitive schedule, yielding reliable predictability.
Matt: 24:36,37: "Concerning that day and hour+ nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son,* but only the Father.+ 37 For just as the days of Noah+ were, so the presence* of the Son of man will be."
SFPW...thank you for your thoughts on Matthew 24, but I am still a bit unclear as to why this particular parable (Matthew 24:45) should be accepted as literal when the others were parables for illustration of a specific point that Jesus was teaching on. While the signs of the end of this system may have a dual fulfillment (some biblical scholars feel it only had a 1st Century fulfillment), I don't see the direct connection to the FDS. I don't know that I agree with you on the "unprecedented" instances of famine, earthquakes and war occuring in the last 100 years...we can't forget that over 25% of the world's population died during the Black Plague in the 14th Century, the conquest of the Americas (15th Century) claimed as many lives as WWI, the China famines of the 19th Century claimed 45MM+ people, the earthquake in Shensi, China in the 1500's claimed the most lives (800,000+) of any earthquake in we have evidence of these tragedies happening throughout years since Jesus' warning in Matthew.
I have trouble getting my arms around the self appointment of the GB as the FDS. If it could be explained to me, using the Bible, I would gladly accept it and acknowledge the error of my ways. Unfortunately, I have never seen anything shown to me from the Bible to that fact...just the statements by the self appointed FDS that they are what Jesus speaks of at Matthew 24:45. I am being sincere in asking for that biblical proof, and not just being contentious. If you can point me to the proof scriptures I would be grateful.
I agree with you that the WTS was "aggressive" in pointing to specific dates as being the start of the end times. Regardless of whether they specifically said, "this is the date", they certainly alluded to that as a fact. Having been a JW during that time (I was baptized in 1967), I can assure you that the reality of 1975 was VERY real to the great majority of JW's during that time. I personally saw the aftermath of financial and spiritual bankruptcy with many JW's who you describe as "self victims"...whether they brought it on themselves or not, the WTS's actions during that time were tantamount to a bystander yelling "jump" at a suicidal person standing on a building ledge.
Stand For Pure Worship, what convinces you that the governing body is being used by Jehovah?
I'll take a shot at an answer.
Because he wanted to use fear mongering corrupt religious charlatans running a publishing house
instead of ones who could truthfully interpret the bible and its meanings.
Let me see here...
Selective use of quotations in reply.
Using a yellow underliner.
and mentioning someone that no R&F Witness would have a scoobie about...
I thought Rulf Furuli research debunked Carl Jonnson's theories completely, but some have a hard time accepting that for some reason. Another day I'll touch on that.
Ladies and gentleman - Scholar returns!
With that - I leave this thread and any future SFPW threads too. (To think I wasted my 100th reply on Scholar - gah!)