I do not enjoy smashing my face into a brick wall quite enough to get involved. (Had fun reading though)
In answer to the OP, yes.
by KateWild 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I do not enjoy smashing my face into a brick wall quite enough to get involved. (Had fun reading though)
In answer to the OP, yes.
Lucid Chimp, I was thinking the exact same thing until I got to your post. What did I start?
Well Monsieur and Adam, you both make a compelling argument. Here is where I stand at the end of 4 pages. I believe in God. But as to whether or not he is pointless I am remaining undecided.
Thanks for your input everyone. I don't think I will be checking things on this thread again, unless Tammy finds my question and answers it.
Very much fun had by all I think
Kate xx
Middle of page two ; )
(Unless you asked another question after that and I missed it, if so please ask again, and I wil answer as I am able)
Peace to you,
Kate said-
I believe in God.
Would you care to explain why?
Would you care to explain why? - Adam
My impression is that Kate is asking questions, thinking carefully about other viewpoints, and trying out some arguments on both sides to see where they lead.
It's refreshing to see such honest open-mindedness by a believer. I would suggest to Kate that it may be a year or even years of exploration before you begin to realise that you are forming anything like a conclusion. I was an atheist long before I realised it. There is no hurry. Your journey might lead you to a different conclusion. Mine did for a while and I hung out with evangelical christians for 9 years before moving further on.
I would suggest reading some useful books by thinkers like Christopher Hitchens, Bart Ehrman, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Michael Shermer and Daniel Dennet to see what others have already thought about.
YouTube has some really interesting debates with these same characters defending their ideas against theists.
When one listens to Christ... who is the Word of God... one may be warned ahead of time of things that might bring harm to them or to their loved ones. That is not pointless.
I did miss your question, sorry, Kate.
I have prayed all my life, even when I was studying with JWs and before I got baptised. I got no warnings it was a damaging cult, if anything the care and love I was shown imitated the Christ of the Bible. I feel all those prayers were pointless
Without knowing your prayers, I can't comment on those... except to say, that if you prayed for Truth... well, your journey is not over. You might have gotten sidetracked, going OFF the path when the voice of another called out to you (the wts... part of the harlot who calls out, come to me, come this way... instead of point to Christ and saying go to Him, as any who belong to Him will do). You were seeking truth, perhaps... and they have enough to lure people to them; I mean they have no problem pointing out the flaws in others, giving them an 'appearance' of truth, because everyone else is wrong, right? Of course, one would have to first establish that there has to be one true religion. However, you may not have heard warnings... but that does not mean that you did not receive them.
For instance, how many of us who left the wts (or a study)... failed to see all the warnings Christ gave and others wrote down about them? (do not listen to them, do not go after them, there will be many who come in my name saying this is it, or there he is... do not listen to them)
One thing that Christ has been saying from the start: Come to ME.
It is a teaching of man that there is a one true religion out there, or even that Christ started a new religion. So that man listens to THAT voice and teaching... and not to Christ... and His voice and words. Come to ME. Or even to God who said, "This is my Son, listen to Him."
The wts is pretty blatant in their lies and in seating themselves in the seat of both Moses and Christ. Reestablishing the law and legalism; calling themselves God's mouthpiece (what is that other than a synonym for Word of God); calling themselves the Truth (that is Christ alone); calling themselves the Life (because outside of them, no one has life); telling people NOT to partake (when CHrist himself said... UNLESS you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have NO LIFE in you) But people listen to them instead of Christ. Or any other religion instead of Christ... many because they don't think that Christ CAN speak... and they don't actually think that He is alive, not really, because otherwise they would know that He is here right now, listening and speaking. We just did not see it... not at first... but here we are, out of her, knowing that she is false.
But here is one more thing... her purpose IS to destroy your faith in Christ and in God. To stop up the Kingdom, becaues they are not going in... and they do not want YOU to go in either. By giving our faith to them (who are false) instead of to Christ and God (who are truth and life)... or causing us to give it up altogether when we leave them.
There are those in 'her' who belong to Christ though. HE is calling to them, to come out. Some hear... some continue to seek Him... and some come out.
May I ask how you are finding the care and the love that you were shown at first now... that you are no longer in 'her'?
Please I hope that you are not offended by any of the above. These are all things that I have had to face also.
Peace to you,
Monsieur, you completely got my meaning back to front on God's intervention. Read my post again. You also clearly do not know what existential crisis means. I cannot account for your lack of comprehension and general knowledge.
What Christians like Tammy choose to ignore or fail to understand is that answering prayers is INTERVENTION. If God is not intervening to prevent evil and suffering, neither can he intervene in the form of answering any prayers whatsoever. If God does not intervene to save starving and diseased babies and infants and their mother's heart-wrenching pleas to heaven, then obviously neither is he answering the pleas of smug, self-righteous western Christians. Otherwise God is a moral monster. To put it simply, 'God' is NOT intervening in any way shape or form for anyone and NOBODY'S prayers are being answered by any Christ or God, period! You may as well pray to Santa or Buddha or Allah, take your pick.
Good question. I mentioned why in cofty's thread about new skull fossils being discovered. I highlighted the intellegence of sub atomic particles and electrons moving in their orbitals within a solid. But also another poster mentioned something in another thread that sounds quite logical to me also. They stated...
Racemic mixtures are made in controlled lab environments, but in nature the the L-enantiomer is about 80% more common than the D-enantiomer. So for me it's a matter of probabilities. If we look at how the sterochemistry of amino acids evolved, a racemic solution would result. Therefore in my view Jehovah would have to use polarising separating techniques to achieve the correct balance.
I really like this point, but as cofty quite rightly pointed out in both instances, this is a god-of-the-gaps argument.
Thank you Adam for showing an interest in what I believe and why I belive it
Kate xx
cofty-thank you for thinking I am open minded. I was begining to think I was quite rigid in my filling in the gaps opinion.
Don't worry that you missed my question, it was buried in a lot of posts. After reading you fianl answer, I must admit you do make a good point. During my time as JW there we plenty of things that just didn't sit right. All they did was read me Prov3:5,6. And told me to leave it with Jehovah. Maybe this was my warning? Possible.
But Yadda, makes a far more important point that just doest sit well with me. Why does he permit suffering? The JW answer is not satisfying to me.
Kate xx
May I ask how you are finding the care and the love that you were shown at first now... that you are no longer in 'her'?
Fabulous question, I absolutely am loved and cared for. They are so loving kind and supportive, my close loved ones hate what is going on and are desperate for me to get reinstated. They know my JC hate me and are wrong. Thats the problem Tammy. I am only going to get reinstated for them, because we are talking in secret. But they will have to accept soon that my JC will never reinstate me.
What a headache of a situation. Thank you for your genuine concern
Kate xx