This Tired, Lonely Man

by compound complex 67 Replies latest social entertainment

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    This tired, lonely man has been snared, but I protest little . . .

    She holds me tenderly in her tightening but welcome thrall. I cave willingly -- oh, so willingly -- to her amatory attentions. Supernal love revives what what had been declared dead and reawakens a worn man's youthful cravings, long ago gone dormant.

    I was fashioned diminutive in body, slow of mind, by Nature's impartial, cold hand. Yet, my heart is big. Fallen, I rise slowly but deliberately toward the reviving affection offered by the queen of love. She reigns over a devoted corps of men who accede willingly to her demands. Allegiance to their newfound mistress has not been without cost to them who relinquish safe but unfulfilling earthbound devotion.

    No more will love's pitiable but sincere offerings go unrequited.

  • tornapart

    Cocooooo I always love to read your posts

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good Morning, Dear Tornapart!

    Wishing you and yours well and a wonderful weekend. I always appreciate your vote-of-confidence posts!



  • tec

    I would love to know who 'she' is!

    I am not asking you to tell me... only stating that your beautiful writing makes me want to know ; )

    Peace CoCo,


  • designs

    'earthbound devotion' that's something for reflection, thanks...

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Tec and Designs, for your replies. They are much appreciated!

    I revised an old bit of prose poetry where the mistress was the Goddess Moon. I felt the need to change that leading lady to a more accessible "female." Nonetheless, I want the reader to fill in the blanks. Whom I describe is otherworldly, that is certain. Her captivating so many males, however, makes her appear more a symbol of love rather than an individual woman. Disappointed by the normal, "earthbound devotion" that often seems so futile, we long for an elusive, unattainable love granted by a superior being. He or She could not, by nature, ever let us down.

    I, clearly, live in a fantasy world.

    As for me, the physically unimposing human male, I am capable of becoming recharged by love. The means by which this occurs is of no real importance. I chose to use the male/female relationship as the story's device . . .

    Who, really, is she?!?!?!?


    CoCo d'amour

  • tornapart

    Sometimes the fantasy world is a beautiful place to reside in Coco.. it trancends the harsh realities we have to live in...

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    So true, Tornapart! Thanks for that.



    Supernal love revives what what had been declared dead and reawakens a worn man's youthful cravings, long ago gone dormant.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    CoCo, such dreamy, lovelorn words.

    A heart that big; who can capture it?

  • compound complex
    compound complex



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