This Tired, Lonely Man

by compound complex 67 Replies latest social entertainment

  • smiddy

    Sometimes while reading your words, I hear the cadence and voice of Leslie Howard or Ronald Coleman speaking. And of course, Errol!

    Guess it's your Avatar that is a reminder of an era gone by and the golden days of Hollywood when men were gentlemen

    Errol was a gentleman ? LOL

    Co.Co. you obviously have a gift for the poets.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Wonderful hearing from both of you, rip and smiddy! !

    Thanks so much. That's what I love about writing online -- instant feedback. You've made my day.

    All the best!


  • LV101

    Beautiful, Coco. As the saying goes (have not tested this out) l o v e - that great feeling of two glasses of wine on top of a pain pill. Not much in comparison to "Goddess Moon."


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you very much, LV101!

    I've never tried that combo, probably since I've always taken emotional pain straight up.

    Blessings and peace.


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    CoCo, Rip and others,

    I'm going to try my best to return to the game but this seven month eye trauma has made it difficult. Although the initial problem is repaired my dominant right eye is in a three legged race with the left eye and my brain. So I have to deal with sporadic fun house vision especially when reading and using the computer. i wondered if everyone would be here and I'm pleased to see that the literary music is still playing.

    Write on Write on she cried as words sprouted into sentences and paragraphs filled the night sky. The moon smiled as the stars danced and in the confusion of the moment the alien spaceship was diverted away from out solar system.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Oh, Nancy! How we've missed your winsome words! I sure hope that alien craft returns . . .

    I'm sorry for the blow you've been dealt; that's a tough one. We're still here, often addressing the issue of illness and the big D. Somehow we keep our sense of humor!


    Got to go walk me a


    CoCo Canine

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    And for a brief moment, I glanced upwards and there-- I saw, amidst the clouds, stars and sky, Look! Wibbie~~~ flitting~~along a cumulis cloud, reaching, tugging and pulling as she grabbed handfuls of the glowing, sparkling stars above, while she kept her eye on the alien spacecraft as it weaved and floated on by.


    She continued--hurling the stars down to terra firma , bursting open their heavenly light and shedding each one their stardust. It's remnants rained down a signal over the heads of those who long have missed her and hoped for her safe return from a wayward alien being.


    We are ready, we cried with joy. Don't be afraid, we will catch you! Our dear precious Nancy Drew took a great giant leap from off the cloud.....


    We all await her descent and are giddy with ant~ic i pation.


    Alas, it's difficult to come back down to earth when you've been playing upon the mighty celestial planes.

    ~~rip van winkle~~

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Very nice, rip! A fitting tribute to dear Nancy.

    All the best.


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Lost in a distorted world of swirling hallucinations and empty spaces she remembered the wibblish way but chartreus optic nerve bolts coursing across her field of vision and gray blobs outlined in navy blue blocked the way. a mad scientist had injected her with a drug called jetrea and the vitreous gel was rapidly ripped from the retina in a horrifying four days and nights of hell and yet the empty spaces remained. She did not despair but continued on her trek only to be confronted by a new monster who removed a cataract with difficulty having to stitch her cornea closed. She had weird eyes the pupils too small the lense too large and now another monster stood in her way the dragon who would perform a vitrectomy and torture her would ten days in captivity lying face down. Oh would it ever end and would she find her way back.

    Yes she would as a voice called out to her from the earth below .

  • clarity

    Aaaaahhhhh ... love to wake up to these words!

    Welcome back Nancy


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