what exactly is his world view..from cofty I see nothing but, anti-life, anti-love, anti-hope? - Villageidiot
Such a good question, thank you for asking.
I will answer it wen I get back from work tonight.
by confusedandalone 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
what exactly is his world view..from cofty I see nothing but, anti-life, anti-love, anti-hope? - Villageidiot
Such a good question, thank you for asking.
I will answer it wen I get back from work tonight.
All the "miracles" I have ever witnessed have been due to advances in science.
so, with all the help, example that science is providing, why is he not doing it?
may be we are taking miracles for granted like the internet, rainbows, air travel, life, antibiotics, genes.-.-.-.-
Village Girl -
Why is Cofty so filled with just mean spirited hatred
for random anything and what exactly is his world view?
from cofty I see nothing but, anti-life, anti-love, anti-hope.
wallowing in what seems to be depression and a level of
thinking we see in nine year old boys, or two year old's
having temper tantrums.
I don't see any mean spirited hatred. For the most part, I just see pure logic and solid reasoning, with all of his claims and arguments based firmly in reality.
If believers want to be encouraged by like minded people, I am sure there are forums for that.
If someone states as a fact that a man lived inside a fish for 3 days, or a snake talked to a woman, or *insert bible miracle here*, I think they should expect to come up against opposition to their ideas.
Just because someone rejects the idea of a invisible creator, and likes to debate the idea, doesn't mean he is full of hatred or anti-life. Rejecting superstitious ideas for lack of evidence is not throwing a tantrum.
I see miracles: humans are the miracles as they can constantly delight and surprise. They can love and create. I see a miracle every time I go to the beach and watch the turquoise waves crashing in. I don't see those thigs as being from god however: they just are, d sometimes you just gotta live in the moment and enjoy for the wonderful things they are.
As for bible miracles, they can't be backed up with historical or scientific evidence. When they are, I'll believe.
The bible is true! Because, it says so!
Yeah, that ^ ....(Sadly most of us here actually followed that line of (non)reasoning until we woke up to the real truth, others aren't quite there yet)
It appears to me that trying to separate pure logic from abstract emotions is flat ,uninspiring & psychologically disturbing
Once beyond a reasonable level of logic there is an inner yearning to share quite simply , what our inner spirit feels !!!
Are we just amoeba's floating about with no arms or legs... drifting about in aimless purpose ?
Villagegirl - I responded to your insulting question here...