Knowledge by Proxy

by braincleaned 141 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    And you STILL do not answer. You know what that tells me, right?

    Also, we are speaking about faith in CHRIST... yes? If we are speaking about the definition of Hebrews... we are speaking about faith in CHrist and HIS Father. Not faith in men, as jws have given their faith TO. Or other such examples.



  • braincleaned

    At this point, all of this thread seems a little surreal to me. It's like debating on what kind of cloud the giant lives on in "Jack & the Beanstalk"!

    Debating on the details of Jack's adventure as if the tale were true, would simply be a waste of time and reason.
    I will take a break from debating this, as I find it useless. And my goodness, who am I to take away someone's bliss and belief, true of fantasy?

    Tec, that Jesus talks to you, really — I mean REALLY — concerns me. This is not normal, I hope you know that.

    Peace to all... I'm out for now.

  • tec

    I am sorry braincleaned. It really is quite simple; and you sounded like you were getting it. Many words and explanations drawn from sources here and there though... these draw attention away from the simple truth. Again, I am sorry for that.

    May you be given ears to hear the TRUTH, if you wish them, and also hear as the Spirit and the Bride say to you,

    "Come... take the free gift of the water of life!"

    Peace to you, as my Lord gives peace,


  • braincleaned

    you see the problem?

  • braincleaned

    // Many words and explanations drawn from sources here and there though... these draw attention away from the simple truth.//

    Whew... you mean you interpret what you read to be the Lord talking to you. Okay... I get that.
    I was really concerned that you were trusting dreams and voices in your head... as it sounded like that.

    Sorry for not getting that.

    It's still so surreal... I hope you understand. It sounds like a super power. Elitist even... ;)

  • Phizzy

    For another thread perhaps ? or debate here if it is not de-railing.

    but we need to debate what is Truth .

    Perspective really does come in to it.

    We, the great unwashed, cannot see things from Tammy's perspective.

    Is Tammy's perspective simply her Truth ?

    Etc Etc

  • tec

    Whew... you mean you interpret what you read to be the Lord talking to you. Okay... I get that.
    I was really concerned that you were trusting dreams and voices in your head... as it sounded like that.

    No, you were right the first time.

    (not voices though... one voice; Christ, in the spirit... within a person, but not necesarily in the head; and not heard with the physical ears; but an INNER voice)

    I was referring to Adamah (sorry , do not mean to single you out, love... because it is not just you but others who view faith in the same way)... and those many explanations and various sources that complicate the simple truth, so that the simple truth is hard to hear.

    Sorry for not getting that.

    No... you got it the first time. (well, sort of... I don't think you are understanding completely, regarding the Spirit, and hearing in the spirit)

    It's still so surreal... I hope you understand. It sounds like a super power. Elitist even... ;)

    Like 'Super Ears', lol?

    Spiritual ears... to hear and discern what the Spirit says.

    Peace to you!


  • OnTheWayOut

    Debating on the details of Jack's adventure as if the tale were true, would simply be a waste of time and reason.
    I will take a break from debating this, as I find it useless.

    Some things never change. I took my leave, but peeked back. I know exactly what that comment above feels like.

  • Theredeemer

    I still want to know, why does it have to be christ? Why limit yourself to believing in only him? If you are going to believe in jack and the beanstalk, why not believe in mother goose, the three little pigs and every other fairy tale.

    With all the options out there, why is it the elephant? You may ask an atheist, "how can you be so sure that there is no God?" Fair enough

    But let me then ask you this, how can you be so sure that its your God?

    Can you prove, right here, right now that Jesus is Lord without using the bible or personal experiences, relying solely on scientific or proven historical facts?

    The problem is: lets say you can "argue" that there is a chance that there is a god, but now you have to prove thats its YOUR god.

    Prove that god is not Allah or Shiva. Thats much harder. Remember, using the bible is cheating.

    So many gods out there...all cant be true but all can be false.

  • adamah

    TEC said- And you STILL do not answer. You know what that tells me, right?

    Uh, perhaps it tells you the same thing everyone has figured out about you already, but you seemingly don't yet realize that everyone else has figured it out?

    TEC SAID- Also, we are speaking about faith in CHRIST... yes? If we are speaking about the definition of Hebrews... we are speaking about faith in CHrist and HIS Father. Not faith in men, as jws have given their faith TO. Or other such examples.

    I can't speak for what YOU'VE been going on about this whole time, but YES: Hebrews 11 is discussing faith in the belief of "the promise" (Heaven), which is based on the presupposition that both God and Jesus exist. 'The promise' IS "the things hoped for", and NOTHING ELSE IS ADDED in Hebrews 11 (although the discussion of the church appears elsewhere in the NT, which is needed to make it to Heaven).

    So TEC, in light of what you wrote:

    (not voices though... one voice; Christ, in the spirit... within a person, but not necesarily in the head; and not heard with the physical ears; but an INNER voice)

    Wouldn't it be less-confusing for others if you claimed that you actually experience Divine revelations?

    I mean, you don't think Abraham or the others actually heard God via their physical ears, do you?

    (Of course, there ARE accounts in the Bible where God appeared to men in mortal form, and presumably others could hear with their physical ears.)

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